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Quick Check

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Session 1.1 Quick Check

  1. What is hypertext?
  2. What is a Web server? A Web browser? Describe how they work together.
  3. What is HTML?
  4. How do HTML documents differ from documents created with a word processor such as Word or WordPerfect?
  5. What are the advantages of letting Web browsers determine the appearance of Web pages?
  6. What are HTML extensions? What are some advantages and disadvantages of using extensions?
  7. What software program do you need to create an HTML document?
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Session 1.2 Quick Check

  1. Why should you include the <html> tag in your Web document?
  2. What is the syntax for creating a centered Heading 1?
  3. What is the syntax for creating a paragraph?
  4. If you want to create an extra line between paragraphs, why can't you simply add a blank line in the HTML file?
  5. Show the syntax for creating an ordered list, an unordered list, and a definition list.
  6. List two ways of italicizing the text in your Web document. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method?
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Session 1.3 Quick Check

  1. How would you insert a copyright symbol, ©, into you Web page?
  2. What is the syntax for inserting a horizontal line into a page?
  3. What is the syntax for creating a horizontal that is 70% of the display width of the screen and 4 pixels high?
  4. What is an inline image?
  5. What is an external image?
  6. What is the syntax for inserting a graphic named mouse.jpg in a Web document as an inline image?
  7. What are two graphic file formats you can use for inline images?
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Session 2.1 Quick Check

  1. What is the HTML code for marking the text "Colorado State University" with the anchor name "csu"?
  2. What is the HTML code for linking the text "Universities" to an anchor that is name "csu"?
  3. What is wrong with the following statement?
    <a name="info"><h3>For more information</h3></a>
  4. What is the HTML code for marking an inline image, photo.jpg, with the anchor name "photo"?
  5. What is the HTML code for linking the inline image Button.jpg to an anchor with the name "links"?
  6. True or False: Anchor names are case-sensitive.
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Session 2.2 Quick Check

  1. What is storyboarding? Why is it important in creating a Web page system?
  2. What is linear structure?
  3. What is a hierarchical structure?
  4. What is the purpose of the pound symbol (#) when creating a link to an anchor in a separate Web page?
  5. What code would you enter to link the text "Sport info" to the HTML file sports.htm?
  6. What code would you enter to link the text "Basketball news" to the HTML file sports.htm at a place in the file with anchor name "bball"?
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Session 2.3 Quick Check

  1. What's the difference between an absolute path and a relative path?
  2. Refer to zoomFigure 2-26. If the current file is parks.html in the turtial.20/case1/extra folder, what are the relative pathnames for the four other files?
  3. What tag would you enter to link the text "White House" to the URL Have this link displayed in a new browser window named "GovWin".
  4. What tag would you enter to link the text "Washington" to the FTP server at
  5. What tag would you enter to link the text "Boxing" to the newsgroup
  6. What tag would you enter to link the text "President" to the e-mail address
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Session 3.1 Quick Check

  1. What are two ways of specifying a color in an HTML file? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
  2. What HTML tag would you use in your HTML file to use a color scheme of red text on a gray background, with hypertext links displayed in blue, and previouly visited hypertext links displayed in yellow?
  3. What HTML tag would you use to format the words "Major Sale" in red, with a font of size 5 larger than the surrounding text?
  4. What HTML tag would you use to display the text "Major Sale" in the Time New Roman font and, if that font is not available, in the MS Serif font?
  5. What HTML tag would you use to define "stars.gif" as the background image for a Web page?
  6. Name three things you should avoid when choosing a background image for your Web page.
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Session 3.2 Quick Check

  1. List three reasons for using the GIF image format instead of the JPEG format.
  2. List three reasons for using the JPEG image format instead of the GIF format.
  3. What HTML tag would you use to display the alternate text "MidWest University" in place of the image mwu.jpg?
  4. What HTML tag would you use to align mwu.jpg with the top of the surrounding text?
  5. What HTML tag would you use to place the surrounding text on the left side of mwu.jpg?
  6. What HTML tag would you use to increase the horizontal and vertical space around mwu.jpg to 10 pixels?
  7. The mwu.jpg image is 120 pixel wide by 85 pixels high. Using this information, what would you enter into your HTML file to increase the speed at which the page is rendered by the browser?
  8. What is dithering? What is the Safety Palette?
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Session 3.3 Quick Check

  1. What is a hotspot? What is an image map?
  2. What are the two types of image maps? List the advantages and disadvantages of each.
  3. What HTML tag would you use to define a rectangular hotspot with the upper-left edge of the rectangle at the point (5,20) and the lower-right edge located at (85,100) and with oregon.htm displayed when the hotspot is activated?
  4. What HTML tag would you use for a circular hotspot centered at (44,81) with a radius of 23 pixels to be linked to la.htm?
  5. What HTML tag would you use for a hotspot that connects the points (5,10), (5,35), (25,35), (30,20), and (15,10) and that you want linked to hawaii.htm?
  6. What HTML tag would you use to assign an image map named States to westcoast.gif?
  7. What HTML tag would you use to increase the border around westcoast.gif to 5 pixels?
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Session 4.1 Quick Check

  1. What are the two kinds of tables you can place in a Web page? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
  2. What is the difference between a proportional font and a fixed-width font? Which should you use in a text table, and why?
  3. What HTML tag would you use to create a text table?
  4. Define the purpose of the following HTML tags in defining the structure of a table:
  5. How do you specify the number of rows in a graphical table? How do you specify the number of columns?
  6. How does the <th> tag differ from the <td> tag?
  7. What HTML code would you use to place the caption "Product Catalog" below a table? Where must this HTML code be placed in relation to the <table> and </table> tags?
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Session 4.2 Quick Check

  1. What HTML code would you use to create a table with a 5-pixel-wide outside border, a 3-pixel-wide border between table cells, and 4 pixels of padding between the cell text and the cell border?
  2. What HTML code would you use to align text with the top of a table heading cell?
  3. What HTML code would you use to center all of the text within a given row?
  4. What are the two ways of expressing table width? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
  5. What HTML code would you use to create a table that fills half the width of the browser's display area, regardless of the resolution of the user's monitor?
  6. What HTML code would you use to the width of a cell to 60 pixels? Will this keep the cell from being less than 60 pixels wide? How can you guarantee that the cell width will be exactly 60 pixels?
  7. What HTML code would you use to set the background color of your table to yellow? What are some limitations of this code?
  8. What HTML code would you use to create a cell that spans three rows and two columns?
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Session 4.3 Quick Check

  1. What HTML code would you use to create a 2 × 2 table nested inside the upper-left cell of another 2 × 2 table?
  2. What HTML code would you use to insert the comment "Nested table starts here"?
  3. If you wanted to change the font color of all cells in a table to red, how would you enter the HTML code?
  4. What HTML code would you use to insert the text "Headlines" into a table cell in an h1 heading with an Arial, Helvetica, or sans-serif font?
  5. What is the first thing you should do when creating a table layout?
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Session 5.1 Quick Check

  1. What are frames, and why are they useful in displaying and designing a Web page?
  2. Why is the <body> tag unnecessary for pages that contain frames?
  3. What HTML code do you use to create three rows of frames with the height of the first row set to 200 pixels, the height of the second row set to 50% of the display area, and the height of the third row set to occupy the remaining space?
  4. What HTML code do you use to specify home.htm as a source for a frame?
  5. What HTML code do you use to remove the scroll bars from the frame for home.htm?
  6. What HTML code do you use to set the size of the margin above and below the home.htm frame to 3 pixels?
  7. What is the size of the margins to the right and left of the frame in Question 6?
  8. What code would you use to prevent users from moving the frame borders in home.htm?
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Session 5.2 Quick Check

  1. When you click a hypertext link inside a frame, in what frame will the Web page appear by default?
  2. What HTML code would you use to assign the name "Address" to frame with the document source address.htm?
  3. What HTML code would you use to direct a hypertext link to frame named "News"?
  4. What HTML code would you use to point a hypertext link to the document "sales.htm" with the result that the sales.htm file is loaded into the entire display area, overwriting any frames in the process?
  5. What HTML code would you use to direct all hypertext links in a document to the "News" target?
  6. Describe what you would do to make your Web page readable by browsers that support frames and by those that do not.
  7. What HTML tag would you use to set the frame border color of every frame on the page to red?
  8. What HTML tag would you use to set the frame border width to 5 pixels?
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Session 6.1 Quick Check

  1. What is a CGI script?
  2. What is the purpose of the <form> tag?
  3. What HTML tag would you use to create a text box with the name "Phone"?
  4. What HTML attribute would you use to create a Phone text box that is 10 characters in length?
  5. What HTML attribute would you use to limit entry to the Phone text box to no more than 10 characters?
  6. What HTML tag would you use to create a text box named "Subscribe" with a default value of "yes"?
  7. How would you prevent the contents of a text box from being displayed on the user's computer screen?
  8. What HTML code would you use to insert the text "Date of Birth" as a field label associated with the control element id "dob"?
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Session 6.2 Quick Check

  1. What HTML tag would you use to create a selection list with a field name State and with the options California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington?
  2. How would you modify the HTML tag in Question 1 to allow more than one state to be selected from the list?
  3. What HTML tag would make Oregon the default selection in Question 1?
  4. What HTML tag would you use to place the options from Question 1 in an option group named "West Coast"?
  5. What HTML tag would you use to create a series of radio buttons for a field name State with the options California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington? Place the radio buttons in a group box with the legend "West Coast".
  6. How would you modify the HTML tag in Question 5 to send the number 1 to the CGI script if the user selects California, 2 for Nevada, 3 for Oregon, and 4 for Washington?
  7. What HTML tag would you use to create a check box field name California? If you don't specify otherwise, what value is sent to the CGI script if the check box is selected?
  8. What HTML tag would you use to create a text box field named Memo that is 5 rows high and 30 columns wide and has the default text "Enter notes here."?
  9. What attribute would you add to the HTML tag in Question 8 to cause the Memo text to wrap to the next row and send the text-wrapping information to the CGI script?
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Session 6.3 Quick Check

  1. What tag would you use to create a submit button with the label "Send Form"?
  2. What HTML tag would you use to create a reset button with the label "Cancel Form"?
  3. What HTML tag would you use to create an image field named Sites for sites.gif with the value attribute GotoPage?
  4. What HTML tag would you use to create a hidden field named Subject with the field value "Form Responses"?
  5. You need to have your form work with a CGI script located at The method the Web server uses is the "get" method. What should the <form> tag be to correctly access this CGI script?
  6. You want to use the "mailto" action to send your form to the e-mail address What is the appropriate <form> tag to enter?
  7. What HTML code would you use to assign the access key, n, to the FirstName field?
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Session 7.1 Quick Check

  1. What do the acronyms CSS1 and CSS2 refer to?
  2. What are inline styles, embedded styles, and linked style sheets? Which would you use to create a set of styles for an entire Web site?
  3. What style would you use to change the color of all text found within the paragraph tag <p> to blue?
  4. What style would you use to change the color of both the h1 and h2 headings to yellow?
  5. What style would you use to change the color of boldface text within your paragraphs to red? Will boldface text located elsewhere be affected by your style?
  6. What tag would you use to link to the external style sheet "basicstyle.css"? Where should you place this tag in your HTML file?
  7. If a style sheet sets the color of h1 headings to blue, and an embedded style in the Web page sets the h1 color to green, what color is displayed in the Web browser and why?
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Session 7.2 Quick Check

  1. What style would you use to change the font of a block quote to Times Roman, or if Times Roman is not available, to change to a serif font?
  2. What style would you use to set the size of paragraph text to 12-point type?
  3. What is the difference between an absolute unit and a relative unit? What are the to relative units supported by CSS?
  4. What style would you use to underline all your headings and display the heading text in uppercase letters?
  5. What style would you use to center your paragraph text and display it in boldface italics?
  6. What style would you use to display your unordered lists with the lists.gif background image centered in the background?
  7. What style would you use to display your ordered list with an integer label?
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Session 7.3 Quick Check

  1. What style would you use to change your hypertext to white text on a red background whenever the pointer is positioned over the link?
  2. What HTML code would you use to assign a block of text the class name "Report"?
  3. What HTML code would you use to assign a single word the id name "Author"?
  4. What is a block-level element? What is an inline element? Give examples of each.
  5. What style declaration would you use to change the margin around your block quote elements to 10 pixels?
  6. What style declaration would you use to create a dashed border around your block quotes?
  7. What style declaration would you use to float your block quotes against the left margin of the Web page?
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Session 8.1 Quick Check

  1. What is a client-side program? What is a server-side program?
  2. Describe two differences between Java and JavaScript.
  3. What are the two ways JavaScript can be run from a Web page?
  4. What HTML tags would you use to indicate the beginning and end of a JavaScript program?
  5. Why should you place your JavaScript commands within an HTML comment tag?
  6. What JavaScript command would you use to place the text "Avalon Books", formatted with the h1 heading style, into your Web page?
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Session 8.2 Quick Check

  1. What are the four data types supported by JavaScript?
  2. What command would you use to store the current date in a variable named Now?
  3. What command would you use to extract the current day of the month from the Now variable and store it in a variable called Tdate?
  4. If the current month is September, what value would be returned by the getMonth( ) method?
  5. Define the following terms:
     Binary operator
     Unary operator
  6. List two commands you could use to take the variable x, increase its value by 1, and store the results in a variable name y.
  7. Provide the general syntax of a JavaScript function.
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Session 8.3 Quick Check

  1. What code would you use to display the text "Welcome back to school!" if the value of the MonthName variable is "September"?
  2. What code would you use to display the text "Welcome back to school!" if MonthName equals "September", or the text "Today's Headlines" if the month is not September?
  3. What code would you use to display the text "Welcome back to school!" if MonthName equals June, or "Today's headlines" for other months?
  4. What is an array? What command would you use to create an array named Colors?
  5. The Colors array contains five values: Red, Green, Blue , Black, and White. What command would you use to insert the values into the array? How many elements are in this array?
  6. What is a program loop? Name the two types of program loops supported by JavaScript.
  7. What code would you use to run the command document.write("News Flash!<br>"); five times?
  8. What values will the counter variable i take in the following For loop?
     for (1=5; i<=25; i+=5)
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Session 9.1 Quick Check

  1. What is the difference between server-side validation and client-side validation?
  2. Define the following terms: object, property, and method.
  3. What object reference would you use for a check box named "join" located in a form named "enroll"?
  4. What command changes the text color on a Web page to blue?
  5. What command assigns the value of the page's text color to a variable named tcolor?
  6. What command would you use to reset a form named "enroll"?
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Session 9.2 Quick Check

  1. Define the following terms: event, event handler, and event method.
  2. How would you modify an HTML file to run the function Welcome( ) whenever the Web page is loaded into the browser?
  3. How would you modify the following HTML tag so that it runs the CheckCredit( ) function whenever the user exits the following input field?
    <input name="CreditCard">
    Use the following HTML tags to answer Quick Check 4 through 6:
    <form name="product">
    <select name="model">
    <option value="P220">Pentium 220
    <option value="P300">Pentium 300
    <option value="P500">Pentium 500
  4. What JavaScript command would you use to change the value of the first option in the selection list to "P250"?
  5. What JavaScript command would you use to change the text of the first option in the selection list to "Pentium 250"?
  6. What JavaScript command would you use to store the index of the option the user selected in a variable named ModelNumber?
  7. What is the "this" object and how can you use it in your JavaScript programs?
  8. The study form contains two input fields named weight and weight2. if the weight field contains the value "5" and the weight2 field contains the value "25", what text is returned by the following JavaScript expression? +;
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Session 9.3 Quick Check

  1. A form named survey contains a check box named female. What JavaScript expression would you use to reference whether or not the female check box has been selected?
  2. If you want to run the validate( ) whwn your Web page form is submitted, what event handler should you add to the <form> tag? Assume that the purpose of the validate function is to cancel form submission, if there was a mistake in filling out the form.
  3. If you want to run the restart( ) function when your Web page form is reset, what event handler should you add to the <form> tag?
  4. What command would you use to create an alert box containing the message, "Thank You"?
  5. What command would you use to create a prompt box containing the message, "Enter your age"? Assume that there is no default text. Store the user's response in a variable name "age".
  6. What command would you use to create a confirm box containing the message, "Do you wish to continue?"? Store the user's response in a variable name "continue".
  7. What command would you use to load a Web page with the URL ?
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Session 10.1 Quick Check

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Session 10.2 Quick Check

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Session 10.3 Quick Check

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Session 1.1 Quick Check

  1. Define the term 'extensible'. How does the concept of extensibility relate to XML?
  2. What is SGML and why was SGML not used for authoring pages on the World Wide Web?
  3. What is the W3C?
  4. Name three limitations of HTML that led to the developement of XML.
  5. Is XML a markup language? Explain your answer.
  6. What is a DTD? What is a well-formed XML document, and how does it differ from a valid XML document?
  7. What is an XML parser?
  8. What is MathML?
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Session 1.2 Quick Check

  1. What are the three parts of an XML document?
  2. What XML declaration would you enter to specify that your XML document supports version 1.0, uses the ISO-8859-1 encoding scheme, and contains links to other documents?
  3. What XML code would you enter to insert the comment "Values extracted from the JW database" into your XML document?
  4. Why is the following code in error?
    <Title>Kind of Blue</Title>
  5. Why is the following code in error>
    <CD TITLE>Kind of Blue</CD TITLE>
  6. What is the root element?
  7. What is an empty element? Why would you need an empty element in your XML document?
  8. Name two ways to insert the ampersand (&) symbol into the content of your XML document.
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Session 1.3 Quick Check

  1. What will happen if you try to display an XML document with syntax errors in either Internet Explorer or Netscape?
  2. What will happen if you try to display an XML document that is not valid (but is well formed) in either Internet Explorer or Netscape?
  3. How do Internet Explorer and Netscape differ in how they display XML documents?
  4. What CSS style declaration would you enter to display the TITLE element in a bold font?
  5. What is a processing instruction?
  6. What XML code would you enter to display the current document using the Standard.css cascading style sheet?
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Session 2.1 Quick Check

  1. Define the following terms:
    1. data binding
    2. field
    3. record
    4. recordset
  2. What is the difference between a simple recordset and a hierarchical recordset?
  3. What is a data island?
  4. What HTML code would you enter to create a data island named CompInfo that is connected to the Company.xml file?
  5. What HTML code would you enter to bind a <span> tag to the CName field in the CompInfo data island?
  6. How is the bound element's content manifested in the <IMG> tag?
  7. What is the $Text field?
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Session 2.2 Quick Check

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Session 2.3 Quick Check

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Session 3.1 Quick Check

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Session 3.2 Quick Check

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Session 3.3 Quick Check

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Session 4.1 Quick Check

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Session 4.2 Quick Check

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Session 4.3 Quick Check

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