By: Jack Serig, Sr.

    I was walking down the company street of B Company, 28th Infantry Battle Group, 1st Infantry Division (Big Red One) Ft. Riley, Kansas.  It was late afternoon, October 31st, 1959--- HALLOWEEN.  I was a First Lieutenant, Executive Officer of Company B.

    A black cat emerged from between the enlisted barracks at a fast trot about a barrack ‘s length ahead crossing my path from right to left.   I thought about the several stories I’d heard about it being bad luck to have a black cat cross your path.  Then, I put it to rest. I was not superstitious!
I was in high spirits after having visited my wife at the Army hospital who was about to deliver our second child.

    The next day, November 1, 1959, the child, whom we previously, and jointly, agreed to name Jack Jr., was born.  He was afflicted with Down Syndrome.  He was retarded!  

    The black cat’s image crossing my path automatically repeated itself many times in my head over the next few weeks and many times over the years since Jack’s birth.

    Now, forty years later, the entire family recognizes that Jack, Jr. has always been the centerpiece of the love and affection that has flowed within the family circle which includes himself, his three brothers and sister, his mother and father, and his numerous relatives and friends.  

    How can anyone be superstitious about a black cat bringing bad luck?