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Pictures of Me and People I Know

These are pictures of me and my friends...

Me, Samantha, Ashley, and Melissa at Youth Group...

Me and Melissa at Homecoming...

Jenni!!! She's falling! Some body help her!

Melissa... the look with the mustard is so becoming of you!

Melissa and Ashley with a stuffed llama!

Ewwwweeeyyyy!! Right Melissa?? LoL.

It's Abe!!!

It's Jenni... Hanging from... a men's bathroom?!!

It's Melissa! Again...

Eww... Melissa... (I'm just kidding) LoL.

It's Mario!

It's a elephant!

It's a hippo!

It's a llama!

Page 2 (all for everyone who finds David Boreanaz sexy)
Page 3 (all for Melissa)
Page 4 (all for Ashley and Melissa)