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What's happening in Hollywood?

January 8, 2002

Taken from Sun Sentinel January 6, 2002
"Suspicous find in South Beach"
"Miami Dade Police responded to a call of drops of blood found in an alley way in South Beach last night. Police originally found the drops leading to a Mustang and then stopping, after requesting permission to search the car and being denied, Police officers went to their car to collect tools to investigate the car further. When the officers arrived back at the scene the car had been driven away.
Kitchen staff at Bocaditos Bakery said that they heard commotion outside and saw three men and a woman speaking with two known prostitutes in the front of the alley way. Kitchen staff at the bakery kept checking through the course of time but, one staff member stated that after a few minutes, they couldn't see anyone around but, they did hear and see the Mustang drive off.
Police traced the liscense plate of the Mustang to a Jared Masterson of Fort Lauderdale. Mr. Masterson was not reached by Police."


Taken from the Sun-Sentinel January 6, 2002
"FBI agent covering bodies?"
the four bodies found last week that were horribly disfigured is being questioned now by local Police and detectives. FBI agent Blanca Onida who has been assigned to South Florida and some odd murders here has signed a document that is court ordered that any information on the bodies except for identity will be kept quiet until she can investigate further.
Medical Examiner Dr. Lattenburg was asked why he thinks that the FBI has taken this case and offered no comment to this reporter. Sources say that the bodies have been either horribly burned or disfigured in some way. After looking through files, similar murders have happened in Boston, MA where agent Onida was previously assigned to.


Sun Sentinel front page, January 7, 2002
"Downtown Hollywood Business Owners Unite"
Richard Atherton, head of the newly organized Downtown Hollywood Business Owners Association (DHBO), has asked for a special meeting of all business owners because of the recent wave of break-ins and even heinous acts such as the recent car careening through Mirror Reflection Nightclub.
Mr. Atherton states that, "As business owners in an up and coming South Florida city, we need better security and we need to weed out the people - or even things- that are causing these problems. All of us need to come together and make sure these kind of things don't happen. I want all of our businesses to be safe here."
When asked for comment because of the recent act on her nightclub, owner Gail Weathers promptly agreed with Mr. Atherton, "Richard has the right idea and I fully support him on it, although we don't have a close personal relationship and I am not a member of the DHBO because I do not live in South Florida, I fully support such a thing."
The next meeting is set to be Thursday January 10, 2002 at 3:00 PM in The Garden Club.


Keeping the press away from Hollywood and Downtown is something The Sabbat aren't doing a good job of. Looks like a few of our own has been in the papers lately making statements. Included are Bishops Allejandro and Lilith.

Raven Esquin has announced her stay in Hollywood will be as long as she feels like it. Cainites around the city rejoice….not.

Jacqueline Monae has announced she will not be returning to Hollywood or South Florida. She has left New Jersey and nothing is known about her whereabouts

Bishop Lilith, Ashad, Michael DiCarlo, The Edge pack and a few others led a few packs of shovel heads to Miami to once and for all get rid of the Camarilla presence there. They came back damaged but successful. All known Camarilla in Miami are unaccounted for and known to be dead.

On a similar note, Natasha Hammond- Assamite was found to be the "leak" to The Camarilla, her head was presented to the Bishops last meeting.

Quite a few new Cainites have turned up, among them are a Gangrel antitribu, Ventrue antitribu, Lasombra, and a Salubri antitribu. When introducing some of them, the Bishop gave them some interesting nicknames.

Donovan- Ductus of The Edge pack is going to be returning after his trip to Australia, some Cainites in the city seem very anxious to speak to this Ductus and the buzz going around is something about Miami

The Fallen Angels Pack and our small pack of Assamites seem to have some silent conflict going on. Could it be because Ashad was responsible for the Angels former Ductus Bishop Matthew Stepsons death?

FBI agent Blanca Onida presented herself to The Bishops last Friday. The Cainites found out having a halfway powerful ghoul around isn't all it's cracked up to be. She's miserable and drinks way too much for any decent person.

Bishop Allejandro was absent at the meeting on Friday, when Lilith was asked why she replied that he was out with Raven, when asked why again, Lilith said all Raven said was that they were having fun… no one asked any more questions.

As celebration of the war party against the Camarilla Ashad led a Firedance ritual and all Cainites present participated.

Speaking of Raven, rumors are going around that The Tzimisce clan had better be more careful when they take victims. No one knows where the warning came from but, it's out there.


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