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Bareev vs. Hiarcs, # 2

   GM   Evgeny Bareev  -  HiarcsX (C) 
Bareev vs. HiarcsX  Match 
 Maastricht, Netherlands (2), 29.01.2003 

1.c4 e5;  2.g3 Nc6;  3.Nc3 g6;  4.Bg2 Bg7;  5.Rb1 a5;  6.a3 d6;  
7.b4 axb4;  8.axb4 f5;  9.b5 Nce7;  10.e3 Nf6;  11.Nge2 Be6;  
12.Bxb7 Ra7;  13.Bg2 Bxc4;  14.d3 Be6;  15.Bd2 h5;  16.h4 Qd7;  
17.Qc2 0-0;  18.0-0 Rb8;  19.Rfc1 Bf7;  20.Rb4 d5;  21.d4 e4;  
22.Nf4 Ng4; ('!?')  23.Bf1 Rba8;  24.Ra4 Bh6;  25.Rca1 Rxa4;  26.Rxa4, 
26...Rb8;  27.Ra6 Bxf4;  28.exf4 Nc8;  29.Bc1 Nb6;  30.Be2 Kg7;  
31.Qa2 Nf6; 32.Ba3 Ne8;  33.Bc5 Nd6;  34.Qa1 Qd8;  35.Qa3 Nbc4;  
36.Qb4 e3;  37.f3 Nxb5;  38.Nxb5 Qd7;  39.Ra5 Be8;  40.Bxc4 dxc4;  
41.Qc3 Rxb5; 42.Rxb5 Qxb5;  43.d5+ Kg8;  44.Qxe3 Bf7;  45.Qe7,  
45...Qb8;  46.Bd4 Qe8; 47.Qf6 Qe1+;  48.Kg2 Qe2+;  49.Bf2 Be8;  
50.Qe5 Qxe5;  Game (agreed) drawn,  ½ - ½  

(The annotator gives 22...Ng4!? a full question mark, but fails to verify it - at least, in my mind. 
 At no time did it appear either player was in any great danger, but Bareev came close to winning.) 

My take on this game? I caught the first few moves - and then jumped in again after move 35. It was already being called a draw at this point on The Internet Chess Club. A close game. 

(news story) 

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This page was last updated on 06/16/06 .

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