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                      International Prison Ministry







Our prison ministry goal is to help prison inmates to learn about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His teachings. Our prayer is that they will decide to commit their lives to following Him. We understand that this decision comes through the ministry of the Holy Spirit; that personal salvation is a result of Christ's sacrifice, death and resurrection and that men's and women's lives are profoundly changed when they accept God's will and allow His Holy Spirit to guide their thoughts, words and deeds. It is the power of God Almighty that gives us all the ability to withstand temptation and be victorious over sin.
The Heaven's Saints Prison Ministry website is aimed at encouraging our members to develop similar ministries within their chapters, or as individuals, in prisons and on the streets throughout the United States, and other countries as well. We are not going to sell anything here nor solicit funds. What we want to do is share information with each other, and chapters within the Heaven's Saints M/M. We ultimately want to develop a network of churches, groups, and ministries within to refer prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families with confidence in the soundness and effectiveness of all ministries involved.
We have seached and searched the net for a program that will fit our ministry needs and we are happy to say that we found the PrisonNet. Through affiliation with this organization, thank you Mr. Duncan Miller for expressed permission, we can build on our own ministries, and even if you have never witnessed the Word of God to an inmate, or youth in the Juvenile Justice System, or street person you are now backed by a plan. It is all Gods' plan, but He needs messengers to deliver it. We need to teach them (prisoners) how to Live in God's Kingdom, how to grow in Christ, and what being part of a Church means in their post-prison lives.
We must
show them the love of Jesus Christ! Amen.


"But if he will not hear , take with you one or two more, that by mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established". Mat 18:16








