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Our Little Corner

Thank you for visiting our homepage. This is our first attempt at making a webpage so you will have to bear with us through all our mistakes. We started this site primarily to show off pictures of our pride and joy, Anisa Jade. If you have any suggestions to make this site better please don't hesitate to let us know!!! Tina and Brant

12/16/01- Sorry the site hasn't been updated in awhile it's been pretty hectic here! I'll try to keep it more up to date! Tina

1/13/02- Well I finally added some new pictures to the website just noticed that the link I put up was a duplicate of another page so I fixed that. So now there are 2 new pages to look at :) I start working 12 hour shifts this week so I won't be able to do much on the computer this week. Tina

9/8/02- 90 days down 275 to go until I'm back home! Just wanted to share some new pics with you and some videos (If I can get the links to work right!) Tina

12/27/03 - Well it sure has been a long time since I updated the page, hopefully I remember how :P Well a lot has happened this year I'm now back from Korea and hopefully will keep the website updated better! I'm going to be taking some of the pictures and movies off of the page (have to save webspace) so I will try to get pics up here on a regular basis! Tina

Our Links

Anisa's First Pics
Anisa's First Bath
More Anisa Pics
My visit with Nana and Great Grandmom
12/16/01 pics
12/17/01 pics
1/13/02 pics
9/8/02 pics
Christmas 2003!
And another Christmas 2003!


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