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Harley Rider's Homepage

Bike Week 2002
Meet Bob
Transportation Station

Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Bob and I've been riding for many years. Being 65% native Cherokee I have traded my ancestors stallion for an IRON HORSE to keep my HERITAGE scouting roots alive. The brotherhood has taken me to almost all of the continental 48 states as well as many locations in Europe including Greece and Germany just to mention a few. I'm glad to say the people I've met along the way have become lifetime friends and are considered more like a second family.

I enjoy scuba diving, long sunset walks, my musical preference ranges from Country to Classical and Jazz and Blues, but don't forget the Good 'Ole Classic Rock. I enjoy fine dining and the good things in life but I have learned to stop and smell the roses instead of racing through and missing everything.

I tend to be very outspoken but I have a great sense of humor and I enjoy shock humor but its all good. I don't like to offend people, just have a good time. People that know me appreciate my company and know that fun and laughter is the key to living a full life.

If you are the type of person that enjoys excitement and you like to feel your adrenaline pumping and loose all of your inhibitions, you must grab that day that you only dream of such as the wind blowing through your hair and being with good people. DON'T let this opportunity pass you by. Be bold, be daring, do what most people only dream of doing, just be yourself. Life comes and goes, the sun rises and the sun sets, life is all about how you enjoy the time you have left, live life to its fullest potential.

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Savannah Harley- Davidson

Savannah Harley- Davidson

Savannah Harley- Davidson

Savannah Harley- Davidson

Savannah Harley- Davidson Savannah Harley- Davidson Savannah Harley- Davidson Savannah Harley- Davidson
Savannah Harley- Davidson Savannah Harley- Davidson Savannah Harley- Davidson Savannah Harley- Davidson
Savannah Harley- Davidson Savannah Harley- Davidson Savannah Harley- Davidson Savannah Harley- Davidson

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