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Andi's Gerbil Heaven!

News As of 9-25-02: I'm a grandma!!! Arith had her first litter yesterday morning. 5 pups, 2 dark, 3 light! This litter is pretty much accounted for but the next will be along in about 12 weeks. I'm keeping a pair from this liter, hopefully 2 females, Tai and Lessa, or two males F'lar and F'lessan.

I just sent in my registration with the American Gerbil Society, and the kennel name I submitted was Pern Gerbils. I hope that is what it will be. Keep checking the site for more updates!

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If you have any questions, either leave the question in the guest book, or e-mail them to me at the link above! Thanks again!.

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Click Here To See a List of Gerbil Colours and Genetics

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All pictures belong to Andrea Judy. No copying without permison. If you would like to use anything on this site on yours, please e-mail me here. Thank you.