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Flood Tracking Device

Floods are high water stages where an unusual amount of water overflows into its natural banks onto dry land. Floods not only damage property and put humans and animals lives in great danger, but they have other affects as well. They can have short term affects or long term affects. An example of short-term affects are, damaging property and ruining peoples houses. Long-term affects include soil erosion or sediment deposition problems downstream due to the rapid run off that occurs.
There are two types of floods.

Firstly there are your regular floods where they can be predicted and sometimes controlled and avoided. These are your typical floods that can occur anywhere.

Secondly, there are the flash floods. Flash floods occur suddenly and unexpectadly and usually don't last very long, but can be eminently dangerous. These floods usually occur in the river either by heavy rain or melting snow.

Floods do not occur as often as they did before. Now a days people are more aware of how to prevent floods. some ways to prevent flooding are reforestation, the building of levees, dams, reservoirs, and floodways (which are artificial channels that redirect floodwater).