Reseach facts

*Blue crabs are one of the world's most elusive and rare crustacean. If you catch one, it is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but you may be fined a hefty amount and be placed in federal prison for disturbing their natural habitat.*

*63% of all humans are racist.*

*All street signs in Ohio are made from recycled submarines used in WWII.*

*Manatees can live for up to 8 years without a face.*

*74.29% of non-white people that walk on the sidewalk downtown don't can't afford cars.*

*Billfish have an average IQ of 78.*

*9 of 10 violent crimes involve minorities.*

*Adolf Hitler's personal pistol was taken by Americans and turned into sheet metal used for roofing. Your roof may have shot Hitler.*

*Beluga whales have a power to weight ratio of .0578.*

*Zebras have severe allergic reaction to any type of cooking oil and typically die on contact.*

*An average hippopotamus lives 84 years. About halfway through his life he develops severe alsheimers and forgets to come up for air, and drowns. Females live on average only 36 years and have no alsheimers.*

*Male chimpanzees tend to show signs of mating aggresion by beating, whipping, and donkey punching their offsprings mother. Usually resulting in death.*

*Female tourtises reach their sexual peak at 84 and live to be about 146.*

*It takes a female beaver approximately 27 seconds to climax during intercourse. Unfortunately the male takes about 1.5 seconds.*

*Around 86% of all people whose names begin with "K" turn homosexual.*

*The average female skater is a fat whore.*

*If u drive an older modle red saturn 2 door coup u are gay.

*Florida orange juce is made form oranges imported from south america.

*If u have a nextel you are a red neck.

*1 out of 10 household appliances are gay.

*Watching porno is a good source of calcium.

*Female rhinosourous pleasure themselves with their horn.

*If you are bitten by a beaver in mating season you will become extremely horny and mollest the first thing you see.

*5 out of 4 white tooth albino tiger clawed grizzly bears will attack when provoked.

*Bisexual cats will have sex with only horny donkeys.

*If you own a minn kota trolling motor you are a yankee.

*6 out of 7 rugs tend to show homosexual tendincys.

*Fishing kicks a%$.

*If you are runing through the woods naked you will be raped.

*87% of spanish speaking americans like it doggy style.

*I will rape you if u run through the woods naked.