

Saturday, June 30, 2001

    It was a warm morning in late June. A fourteen year old girl sat there crying on her back porch. Her older brother had just screwed her over with her boyfriend of two weeks, now former boyfriend.
    "I should've never lied," she muttered to herself. She had told her former boyfriend, Drew, her age was sixteen because he was twenty-three. Her brother, Marcus, had ruined everything.
    After mumbling a few incoherent words, the young girl remembered to call a guy, Michael Knight, she had just started speaking with the previous night. The first and second attempt he must've been asleep for there was no answer. Her final attempt the phone rang twice and then Michael answered in a mumble, "hello?"
    "Hi, is this Mikey?" she replied.
    "Mmhmm, and who are you to be waking me up?" his voice much clearer now.
    "Mikey, it's Babi. You know the girl that you told to call you at six. I'm sorry, I'm half an hour late," Babi sniffled.
    In a soft, concerned voice he asked, "have you been crying?"
    She mumbled a yes and burst out in tears again. She told him the whole story except for the fact she was only fourteen afraid to lose the twenty-two year old as a friend.
    They sat on the phone until he had to leave for work at a quarter till eight. As they were getting off the phone she told him, "I'm still upset. I might show up at your work about noon."
    After getting off the phone, Babi set off walking to Jiffy Lube where Michael worked. Being out of cigarettes, it only took her a surprising two hours.
    This is where our story begins. At a gas station across the street from Jiffy Lube in Fort Myers, Florida.
    Babi searches into her pockets for a quarter and dime. She slips the coins into a pay phone which didn't work and wouldn't refund her money. "Fuck," she mumbles and goes to the next pay phone where she dials before putting in the thirty-five cents.
    Michael answers his cell phone, "hello?"
    With a smile on her face Babi replies, "hey sweetie, I'm at the mobile across the street."
    Thinking 'holy shit' he tells her, "hurry up and get over here. I want to see you already." She hangs up the phone and jogs across U.S. 41, but Cypress Lake Drive is harder to cross. She finally gets a chance to cross and takes advantage of it. Then slowly walking up to Jiffy Lube she gets her first sight of Michael.
    He looks at her walk up and thinks 'there she is' and waits. She gets there and hugs him. Babi politely asks in a sweet voice, "may I have a cigarette?" He hands her a Marlboro red and lights it for her.
    She smiles sweetly and he says softly, "would you like to sit down?" Babi nods and sits down in the white, plastic chair on the side of the building.
    Michael stands and smokes a cigarette with her and goes back to work. His co-worker, Tony, walks to the side of the building and introduces himself and then asks her, "would you like a ride back to San Carlos? I'm heading out there anyway for my lunch break." She shakes her head, refusing the ride home.
    Michael comes around the corner and laughs, "Tony, don't even try. She is upset and here to see me," he walks to her and takes her hand, "Babi, I'm on lunch. If you want to come with me, you can. I'm just going to the bank and Hess." Babi nods and takes his lead to his red '87 Camaro RS. He opens the door for her and waits until she sits to close the door and goes to his side.
    They leave and come back after a trip to the bank and a ride to Hess to get a couple of one liter Mountain Dews. Due to the fact Babi never got any sleep the night before, Michael rolls down the windows and lets her sleep.
    A few hours later, Michael clocks out and walks out to his car. He opens the door and tries not to awaken the sleeping girl, but she wakes up to him getting in and moans slightly. He thinks 'shit, I'm a klutz, I woke her up' and smiles at her. She smiles back and he starts the car.
    They arrive at Michael's apartment and get out of the car. Michael leads her up a flight of stairs to his apartment on the second floor. He unlocks the door and lets Babi enter.
    She looks around his living room which only contains; a tan recliner, a green folding camping chair, and an entertainment center holding; a television, stereo system, playstation, and several other items. Michael notices her looking around , "sorry this place isn't that great," and pets one of his seven cats, Booters.
    The five unnamed kittens and the other adult cat, Papa Tilly, run in the room. Babi's face lights up, "awe, they are so cute! I want one!"
    He smiles, "don't worry, everyone does," and sits down in the green chair with an old cigar box in his hand. She notices the box, but doesn't say anything and sits down in the recliner. He opens the box and she notices the contents which she is very familiar with. In the box lies a bag of weed and several items are used to smoke it with, such as; a bowl, several green lighters, screens, papers, roach clips, etc.
    He takes a hit off the bowl and looks at her. "Don't get comfortable. We need to take a ride somewhere," he tells her noticing she was ready to take off her shoes.
    After a little smoking, they go back to the car and leave to Naples to visit his four year old son, Garth, and give his former fiancée money to pay for their son's day care. They return to his apartment and the evening begins.

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