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1) Please Refrain from killing off characters. Period. Would you like it if someone killed off your character?

2) Jem's identity will remain a secret. Only the people who knew the secret in the show know Jem's identity. If a situation arises where someone needs to find out, email the moderators we'll talk about it keeping in mind that it is Jem's secret to give out so she has a big say in it.

3) Original characters must be approved by a moderator please email us with any submissions.

4) Players must play AT LEAST one character from the original show. If everyone is going to be playing made up charcters, what's the point? Also, please know your character and keep them accurate to the show. you're welcome to expand on them but Kimber can't suddenly discover she's been married 8 years and got 2 kids? ***If the majority of main characters are taken and being played then it is alright to bring in a made up character.***

5) There are no maximum or minimum posts, just keep the game going. There will be warnings if you vanish for a long period of time without letting us know and it may result in your character being taken away. If you go on vacation or something please let us know ahead of time. We're not looking to snatch your character away if you breathe wrong so don't worry just let us know what's goin on. We just don't want people to hold a character and not post. We understand you have lives.

6) Please don't bring in any crossover characters. I'd like to keep this Jem only thanks!

7) As far as adult content goes including sexual references and swearing, I plan to be pretty lenient. I kinda intened this for a more adult audience anyway. We don't want to offend anyone so please try to keep it mild and please don't go overboard. If you're not sure, send it to a moderator and we'll let you know. 10 to 1 if you don't think it's appropriate neither do we and you should change it yourself. I really don't like swearing so let's try to keep it minimized unless TRULY necessary. (for example lets not use the F word at all thank you very much!)

8) Know what's going on before you post either by talking to the moderators and players or reading the past messages before posting to the list.

9) Despite popular belief, characters cannot teleport.

10) Most characters are going to be given out by invitation. if you see a character open and you would like to play, feel free to email me and we'll talk.

11) Please put some effort into the lenth of posts... I in NO way consider 4 sentences a post.

12) It is perfectly acceptable to post some IN CHARACTER sentences for other characters in your post. In fact it helps keep the game moving and give other players something play off of. It is NOT however acceptable to make decisions for the characters and if it becomes a problem, we will talk to you about it.

13) Update technology as needed. If Danse wants to have a cell phone then by God she's goinna have a cell phone gosh darnit!

14) As far as characters from the show let's keep the limit to 3 k?

15) Have fun! If you're not having fun why are you playing! ;)
