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An apology is in order for my absence. Chalk it up to apathy or disgust or anger. Perhaps disillusionment. It just seemed in the weeks and months following the election that those of us who call ourselves both Christians and Democrats would be made to feel wrong for what we believe. I felt discouraged and overwhelmed. I realize that now is the time when we must not break our bonds and unite stronger than before to make our voices heard. And we are going to do just that. Don't believe what you hear. We have moral values. Jesus does not belong to the Republican party. And, on the bright side, Bush can't win a 3rd only a few more years and we'll be done with him and on to greener pastures! I'll be back soon with more updates and more content in general...

The second debate has come and gone. I didn't get to see the whole thing because of the birth of my nephew! But, from what I've seen and read, Kerry did wonderfully again. Bush did better but not good enough. Was it just me or did Bush seem really angry? In any case, a Democracy Corps poll shows:

  • Kerry won the debate by 8 points (45 to 37 percent).
  • Kerry moved his vote margin over Bush by 2 points.
  • Kerry made significant gains in personal favorability.
  • Kerry made his biggest gains on likeability, giving people confidence, and having clear plans.
  • Kerry was especially strong in the swing electorate—independents, the undecideds, and battleground state voters.
  • Independents.  By 11 points, they said Kerry won the debate (44 to 33 percent).
  • Undecideds.  They gave Kerry a 9-point edge (39 to 30).
  • Battleground state voters.  They gave the debate to Kerry by 5 points (45 to 40 percent).
  • Things are definitely looking up for Democrats as we get down to the nitty gritty here. Kerry is surging, Bush is dropping and the election is just about three weeks away.

    A quick update here with a link to a website and a link to an article. The website is the Electoral Vote Predictor and it is updated everyday. It's a very good resource for poll numbers and for more info on the Presidential election in general. The article is one I came across today (it was linked to from the Electoral Vote Predictor) and it made me very encouraged about what's going to happen in November. If any Kerry supporters are in doubt and worried about the outcome of the election, read this and feel relieved. You can get the article by clicking here. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I will be back later this week with more updates.

    Our man did it. We all knew he could. And now the entire nation knows just what kind of effective, compassionate, decisive and strong leader John Kerry will be. Bush did his rabbit in headlights routine without giving any details to his specific plans for the next four years or to admitting his mistakes and misgivings over the last four. I now have no question in my mind who will be victorious on November 2nd. Bush, enjoy that Lincoln bedroom while you're still in the White House. If any of you out there reading this site would like to send me your opinion of the debate (they will be posted on this site for all to see) then please feel free to email me at

    Hello everyone. Just dropping in with a quick update. The first debate between Bush and Kerry is set to take place tomorrow night. Many of those watching will decide who to vote for from the debates so I am praying that Kerry can show the nation what a good leader he can be and just how bad Bush has been. I will also update this site with my own personal reflections and feelings on the debate. Also, tonight was the first official meeting of the University of Florida Gator Christian Democrats club. So, I'll finally be getting with David Odom for our long overdue interview to query him on the meeting and his feelings on politics, religion, life in general and anything else Dave wishes to discuss. Finally, I'm going to post links to some more like-minded folks on the internet. Though we may not entirely agree on everything, there is a common bond between us.
    Christians Against Bush
    Another Christians Against Bush Website
    Public Christian
    Catholics for Kerry
    Christians for Kerry
    Christians Doubting Bush

    I found something interesting online the other day. It's a so-called "Christian Principles in an Election Year" put out by the National Council of Churches USA. I'm going to list all the principles they list and if you like you can visit this link and read the entire article for yourself or you can click here for a pdf file (You'll need Adobe Acrobat to view it) and print it out to hang on your refrigerator. But, without further ado, here's the list:

    1. War is contrary to the will of God. While the use of violent force may, at times, be a necessity of last resort, Christ pronounces his blessing on the peacemakers. We look for political leaders who will make peace with justice a top priority and who will actively seek nonviolent solutions to conflict.

    2. God calls us to live in communities shaped by peace and cooperation. We reject policies that abandon large segments of our inner city and rural populations to hopelessness. We look for political leaders who will re-build our communities and bring an end to the cycles of violence and killing.

    3. God created us for each other, and thus our security depends on the well-being of our global neighbors. We look for political leaders for whom a foreign policy based on cooperation and global justice is an urgent concern.

    4. God calls us to be advocates for those who are most vulnerable in our society. We look for political leaders who yearn for economic justice and who will seek to reduce the growing disparity between rich and poor.

    5. Each human being is created in the image of God and is of infinite worth. We look for political leaders who actively promote racial justice and equal opportunity for everyone.

    6. The earth belongs to God and is intrinsically good. We look for political leaders who recognize the earth's goodness, champion environmental justice, and uphold our responsibility to be stewards of God’s creation.

    7. Christians have a biblical mandate to welcome strangers. We look for political leaders who will pursue fair immigration policies and speak out against xenophobia.

    8. Those who follow Christ are called to heal the sick. We look for political leaders who will support adequate, affordable and accessible health care for all.

    9. Because of the transforming power of God’s grace, all humans are called to be in right relationship with each other. We look for political leaders who seek a restorative, not retributive, approach to the criminal justice system and the individuals within it.

    10. Providing enriched learning environments for all of God’s children is a moral imperative. We look for political leaders who will advocate for equal educational opportunity and abundant funding for children’s services.

    Now, the reason I posted all that was really to say at no point during reading any of those principles did I believe George W. Bush fit into any of them. I could go point for point on how he doesn't "adhere" to those principles but then I'd be here all night typing. If anyone out there can see where George W. Bush meets these principles, please don't hesitate to email and tell me. The reason I believe this is important for all Christians to see is that a big part of Bush's campaign and strategy is that he's a very strong Christian and a man of great faith. And, frankly, the strategy has worked thus far. He has strung hundreds of thousands of people along under the premise that he is carrying out the will of God. What we have to do is get the word out that that is simply not true! I would encourage everyone to engage in debate with Conservatives and Independents and speak the truth that what George Bush has done these last four years has been wrong!
    Ok, political rant aside, I'm happy to announce the arrival of the University of Florida Christian Democrats Club - aka - Gator Christian Democrats. It's run by David Odom, who will be our first featured interview. Anyone who is interested in joining and/or debating/talking (provided you're a student of UF) should not hesitate to contact David and join. I'm sure he would not mind if you contacted him for some debate even if you're not a UF student. You can also visit the Gator Christian Democrats blog here. Hopefully we'll see more Christian Democrat clubs popping up soon. The hope of mine is to create a community through this website that makes it easier to do just that. So, if you are in one or run one or know of one, please contact me at and tell me all about it.

    Hello all, sorry for the delay in any updates but we're trying to get things in order around here. The site, as you can see, is still not fully functional but we should soon be seeing our first article from a member as well as at least one (and possibly two) interviews from various citizens. So what's new? As you all know by now, John Edwards is John Kerry's running mate and I could not be more excited about it. I like John Edwards very much and I feel he will bring in the "swing voters," who are the ones that really decide who wins the election. Also, Michael Moore's documentary film "Fahrenheit 9/11" hit the theaters just a few weeks ago and is already breaking all kinds of records as I'm sure you've heard. It's a very eye-opening film, very well done and if you haven't seen the movie, do so. Even if you're a fan of Bush, it won't hurt you to hear just what you're voting for. Also, I've posted a new link in the articles section to an interesting piece. Since the right-wing is so set on labeling Kerry a flip-flopper (even though Bush himself recently said in a fund-raising letter "Senator Kerry has been in Washington long enough to take both sides on just about every issue"), I wanted to show how he's not the only one. Check the articles section for the link. Also, check for a new link to a news piece in the news section. Ladies and gentlemen, we are at a crossroads in this country. The impending election is one of the most important I feel we've ever faced in this country and could affect us for generations to come. I have some genuine fear about what waits for us if Bush is re-elected. We can not let this happen. Get out and vote in November and do everything you can inbetween to help get Bush out of the White House and back to that big empty state of Texas!
    Lastly, I'm posting a few links to some like-minded folks on this information super-highway we call the Internet.
    Christian Resistance
    The Right Christians
    Air America Radio

    Welcome to, the home for Christian Democrats on the web. I've added a few links to articles of interest in the "Articles" section. We will soon be adding articles by those who frequent this site. Plus, an interview with David Odom will be up sometime in the beginning of May. Finally, the forums will soon be up and operational for all sorts of fun.

    This is a website devoted to those of the Christian faith who also happen to be Democrats. This website will delve deep into the depths and debunk the myth that if you're a Christian you can't be a Democrat, and if you're a Democrat, you're not a Christian. The website will contain links to articles of interest, interviews with many people of varying faith and politics, forums for open discussion of ideas, the latest political news of interest, and articles written by YOU, the members of this website. There is no official launch date for this site, but I hope to have it fully operational before the election in November. When up and running I hope this website will become a place where those who are Christian Democrats can know they are amongst friends. I also hope we can create a spreading phenomenon whereby people in towns and college campuses all over the United States can come together and not worry about being shunned because of their political beliefs. With any luck, we can convince many to join our ranks so that they see to vote Democrat is actually "more" Christian than a Republican vote. So please bookmark this website and check back often as we begin to build this from the ground up...

    Contact us:
