Cage Meets A Competitor And Talks Of His Match

(The scene fades into the halls of the International Wrestling Federation. We see nothing. Nothing is moving. Every once in a while a stage hand runs by, but other than that lifeless. Nothing seems to be moving at all, until....

A door down the hall and on the right opens. Out steps Donovan Cage. He points at the camera man and then heads out. The camera man, waiting to see what happens stands in place. As Donovan Cage is coming down the hall he passes Kylie Smith. He looks at Kylie and keeps walking. Kylie, not noticing she is being stared at keeps walking. When Donovan gets to the camera man he speaks)

Donovan Cage - "Holy hell! Did you see her? Damn! Ok, I came to say, come with me!"

(The camera man follows Donovan Cage back to his locker room. Cage walks in the door, closing it behind him, never realizing Kylie is following him. The camera man waits outside the door with Kylie. Kylie knocks on the door. A moment later Donovan opens the door. It looks confused and speaks)

"Why, hello, I'm Donovan Cage. May I ask who you are?"

Kylie Smith - "As if you don't know.....but I might as well tell ya anyway. I'm Kylie Smith...great to have you here in the IWF...Say, you look like someone I know...."

(she looks at him strangely)

"Ah, nevermind..So how do you like it so far?"

"Well, can't say I've been here long enough to really meet the people and kick some ass, you know? I mean my last segment was the first time this place has seen me!"

"Very true, but I have a feeling your going to like it a lot here.....You seem like you blend well...which is good....I see some potential Donovan, I really do."

(She winks)

"See potential? Damn right you see potential, look at me!"

(Cage shows off his physique)

"Wow, potential, and cockyness, just what you need to make it here."

(Kylie smiles)

"Well, I guess if you knew me, you'd understand my reasoning for being arrogant and you'd understand just why I am who I am."

"I'm sure after a while..I will get to know you very well....And about your match at the PPV. Kick some ass. I know you can do it....Look at you.

(Kylie looks Donovan up and down)

"Make your name or never."

"Trust me, I'm the type of person that take every oppurtunity I can. I'm the kind of person that let's the first impression be the very best. 'Rememberence' will be MY night. If you don't believe me, just wait and see!"

"You better believe I will see it all...I've got my eye on you this company some good will ya?"

"Do this company some good? There were some good things here before I came. Look at you, you're beautiful. But I will take the IWF by storm and I will soon be the best in the business. Mark them words, girl."

"Okay, I will hold you to em. Trust me...I want to see what you show me at the PPV...I will be watching, Donovan."

(She turns around then turns back around)

"I expect a lot from you."

"Whoa, baby! THE Kylie Smith expects a lot from ME! WHOA BABY!"

(Donovan Cage does a small little dance and the returns to normal. As Cage does this Kylie wrinkles her nose and laughs a little) "Okay, maybe I don't expect a lot.

(Kylie smiles and Cage looks confused)

"Hey, hey, hey! You done said you expected a lot. Since you said that you earned Xtreme an ass beating. No matter what you say now can change my mind. If you want to see him before I destroy him, you have until Sunday."

"Right on, well....guess I better get looking"

(She giggles and continues)

"Or not......So Cage, untill another time..I must be going..just wanted to come say hey."

"Well, I'm glad you stopped by and it's a pleasure meeting you. Say, before you go can I ask a question?"

(Cage smirks)

"Mmm...Sure why not."

(Cage's eyes get real wide)

Can...Can...Can I have a...Hug?"

Kylie looks around the room confused)

"Well...I uhhh...suppose so."

(Kylie hugs Cage and he gets excited Kylie exits the room as he is jumping insanely around the room. After she leaves the room he returns to normal and speaks)

"Ok, I'm sorry about that. I get a little worked up over a hug. Sue me! Well, Xtreme, at least I got a hug by another female than my mother! I can give you a few reasons why Kylie hugged me...NOT you!"

"First of all. Kylie hugged me because if she hugged you, she would get paint ALL over her. Not only is that amazingly retarded that you wear paint...I doubt Kylie wants you body paint all on her."

"Second of all. Kylie hugged me and not you, simply because I am more attractive. It's a very easy thing to clasp onto. Not only am I better at wrestling than you, I pick up chicks better than you. Isn't amazing how you're finding out that I'm, easily put, BETTER than you?"

"Once again you wasted you're time coming out to the ring to say something. You're no where near my level. Even though this is not my kind of match, you still are at a disadvantage. Just because I said this is not my type of match. That doesn't mean that I can't do it. Honestly, if Xtreme can do it. I damn sure know I can. If Xtreme can be undefeated in this kind of match. I gurantee I'll be perfect in this match. I'll be flawless. It's going to sound like a game of Mortal Kombat...Cage wins...Flawless Victory. Could you imagine that? I know you can. Since what you call fun is sitting in a chair painting your body, I know you're the freak that beat ALL the Mortal Kombats."

"Xtreme, if you honestly think that you can raise yourself to my athletic capabilities, you have lost your mind. You've never even seen me wrestle and you have no idea just how athletic I am. I will say I can probably say I'm the best fitted athlete in the International Wrestling Federation. I will say that I am the most capable of beating you. I will say that, I am better than you!"

(Cage smiles at the fact he said he is better than Xtreme again. As he smiles he continues)

"I like this. You have Donovan Cage debuting at 'Rememberence' in a match he don't even wrestle. It's just going to show everyone how versatile I am. It shows everyone that I can do anything. It shows everyone that I am the best. If you can throw me in anytype of match and watch me prevail. That would mean I am the best. I like how people throw me into these matches. Just because I have never been in this 'TLC' match doesn't mean I can't be good at it!"

"There's a first time for everything as I said before. There are a few things occurring for the first time at 'Rememberence.' First of all, your's truly debuts. Second, he wins his FIRST IWF match. Thirdly, he beats Xtreme at his own game. Isn't it amazing that with just win I can do two things that have NEVER been done before? I would record my first victory, in my first match I might add, and I would be Xtreme despite he has never lost. It's great. I love how everything I seem to do becomes big news. For instance...."

"Back home in Florida, they had an article in the local newspaper about me signing with the International Wrestling Federation. It talked about how my career in previous federations have been nothing less than perfect. It talked about my debut match coming up at 'Rememberence.' Hell it even talked about some of the things I have done to opponents. I have been known to destroy the common man. On a safe note for Xtreme, he isn't common."

"No, Xtreme isn't common...THAT BITCH IS INSANE! He not only spends multiple hours a day painting himself, but he actually thinks he can beat me, too. Wonderful. My debut is against a freak that dreams big. That's cool, I like to spoil dreams! It's fun to me! And at 'Rememberence, that is just what I'm going to do! Spoil Xtreme's dreams of beating me! Boy, is that grand!"

"So, I'm fighting a weirdo that thinks he can beat me, what else? Ahh yes, he said I had him shaken when I first showed up. Is that great, or what? He just admitted that he feared me. Fear is not something that just disappears. Until you prove you don't fear someone, you still will. He hasn't proven shit to say he still doesn't fear me. Ol' Xtreme made a mistake. He should've never told me he feared me. Because now I know I intimidated him, and I know he is at a disadvantage. I now know I got inside his head!"

(Donovan Cage pauses to stretch his left shoulder. He looks away from the camera as he stretches. After Donovan has completed stretching, he looks back to the camera and continues)

"Ahh, the time has come. It's time for me to honestly get ready for a match. You see, since I don't spend my days 'painting up', I must head to the gym and get in a work out. Some people may think I am a genetic freak, but I am far from it. I worked for this body and I work to keep it. Unlike Xtreme, I can go to the gym and not get made fun of for being a psycho or out of shape. After the gym I have a massage appointment. But anyways, I'll be back later. Xtreme, see you in the ring. Get ready, 'cause your ass is grass, pal!"

(With that Cage shows the cameraman the door and the scene fades to black)