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Welcome to the Beholders Gym

Realitys End

Beholders City


August 31 06
oiy, fixed a browser conflict issue.
August 4 05
Well, I have re-emerged sort of I added something for people who have beaten my gym and for those of you who haven't....shame on you!!! I hope to add a few new trainers and wild battles soon too imagine that! Until then, cya
May 24 04
Hi if anyone still comes here. I'm going to attempt a gym update soon and think about additions. Man its been awhile.
January 23 04
Well turns out getting a new comp. took a little longer than expected but i got one now and thats what matters. I'm back gym updates might be a little slow as I start getting the hang of things again. cya
August 30 03
Hello all. Well my old computer finally kicked the bucket so updates probably won't be likely till i get a new one which could be 2-3 months (im po'). cya when i get a new computer .
July 18 03 9:20pm
Well i got my old badge back kero should have it uploaded sometime soon. nothing much done for my gym just trained so i would present more of a challenge to ppl who overpower my gym.
July 16 03 9:20pm
Ok well I had the work today so I didn't get much done but I did make two trainers and a wild battle and also I guess its the Grand Opening of the Beholders City/Gym!!...again I know its pretty simple design(better than the first time I made the gym many years ago imo)but it looks ok and I'm starting a small plot for the city too. cya
July 16 03, 2:40am
Yeah! I am a gym once again! Well theres alot of work to be done and i've already started on my gym page but theres still alot of work to do. It should be fully operational in a few days.