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Hey Chathamer, Where ya goin with that gun in your hand?

(from left to right)


Original Crew Productions Site
More Tea, Mr. Bike? (movies)
Bird Technique
Chathamer Man
Queen Bee
A Brief History of Mcmo
Spackle's Sandy Caves
Pro V
The Solo Project With At Least Two People
Blaine's Crypt of Mysterious Mysteries

Hey Bitches! It's me, Starla Martinez Lopez Garcia. This is going to be the new Crew Productions page since I can't edit the old one anymore cause Aol canceled my E-mail account so i cant get the old site's password from Angelfire. Thats pretty fucking AHHHH, but oh well. You can get to the site from the link so its not a total loss i guess. uh...thats it for now. I Hope to somehow get some new stuff up here as soon as possible. I wanna put chathamers story on this site somehow or his song at least, as well as putting on some new info about Pro V, movies in production, the crew going to college, eric and devin's gay relationship, Bird Tech and other shit. Until then this is all you get, so fuck you.


1/18/05 - Hmmm, my name is Chathamer and I haven't written here in one hell of a goddamned while, but now all that changes as I do update this shit hole. I made a few minor changes to the site of little to even more little significance. My third rant actually got posted so you have that to read should you be bored enough. Maybe I'll rant with more regularity now that I've been reminded of this site's kaboomness. Also, took two of my "songs" down due to a lack of goodness on their part. They've had their chance at being funny but they didn't really go anywhere because they sucked at being funny, so I took them fuckers down. I can write better shit than them and you all fucking know it. Now it's time for me to go be gay with a chair so I'm gonna gay on outta here and say fuck you. Fuck you.

1/11/05 - Happy Fucking New Years! Well, its been a while since anyone has updated this site so I though I would do that. A lot of shit has gone down. Winter break is coming to a close and we finally had some time to hang out as a crew. We had a few parties, including a huge New Years Bash, which was a damn good time for everyone other than Andrew, who had a little too good of a time. A few nights ago we had a little going away party in which we played every goddamn drinking game known to man including the latest and greatest drinking game Pregnancy Shot!. It was a grand ol' time. We also began working on our sketch comedy show, but only managed to get some of the opening credits and one skit filmed. Oh well, better than nothing I guess. If anyone wants to know how to play prenancy shot you can email me. Spactacula left on monday morning for school in Arizona and me and chathamer are going back to school on the 17th. So the crew will once again be seperated...until the summer, so quit raggin me mah!

8/17 - Good news everybody, the crew is dead!!!! Well, at least for the next few months. Today the patch of grass left for college all the way out in Arizonaland. The leaves only Blaine, epeen, cornine and I (chathamer) for the next few weeks until Brain and I go out to college too. So that's it, honk honks. We might occasionally post shit here in college, but ahhhh. Expect my weekly rant to turn into a monthly rant, if that. So long, and I hope you enjoyed our genius, but it will be back, someday...

8/4 - Well, well, long time no see. It's Chatham (rhymes with Statham, which isn't a word) here, bringin' you the worbs on the streetby. Well, there are no worbs. Sorry. Nothin' new goin' down except some minor work on the Solo Project. But, but, but, and but I did just post my second rant and it sucks worse than ever. I dare you to have fun reading it, and if you do, I triple-dog-dare you to stick your tongue to that frozen flagpole.

7/28 - It's Chathambee again. What's new in crew land? Nothing! I kinda showed the word stature how to work on the site, and he has made a few little additions to his section and the Bird Technique section. Other than that... nothing. Cornine is still at lax camp but is coming home tomorrow. Blaine, Ejean, and Catser all have work until 3pm and I'm barely working at all now. This has left me with wayy too much free time on my hands (see this meaningless post for proof). I wrote two good/bad "songs" the other day out of sheer boredom and those are in my section now. I might even try to write some music to go with them, which would be quite a feat seeing as how I play zero instruments. For those that don't know I have a screenplay in the works, and when I say "in the works" I mean "I have the entire idea in my head but haven't written one goddamn word of dialogue." As far as what kind of movie it is, think Shindler's List meets Looney Toons. Blaine and I discussed a possible new direction yesterday which really won't matter anyway since we're all (Me, Brain, Screech, & the rest of Bird Technique) leaving for college in the span of the next month, but seh che - still a good idea. However, there will be a movie/video project of some sort completed by mid-August.

7/26 - Grapeseed here. I posted my first rant thing today in my unfunny section. It's not really a rant and isn't really worth reading, but what the hey (huhuh, you said gay) I was bored and had an idea to let loose. Before I go, remember these three words...... SCREEEWWW YOOOOUUUU!!

7/24 - If you didn't already know, Dawn of the Mo Vaughn is totally finished and came out a lot better than I personally expected. The site is getting a huge load bigger every day now. Catser's page is up and he's just starting to add stuff to it. Chathamer's section is already full has quickly become the biggest section of the site with the addition of his entire story. I added a few other horny things like the "Quote of the Minute" and the Guestbook (which everyone should sign in the most ereererererah manner possible.) I'm really making an effort to keep this site updated right now so keep going to it all the time (unless you don't value your life).

7/23 - Chalalala here. I know how to work this site - that makes me hornby!! I have posted my Nobel Peace Prize winning story The Passion of the Priest in my head section along with a few other badies (well, they're not goodies). Staralfur added the Pussycat's page where he can purr and hiss at things that come his way and play with a ball of yarn while he's busy not writing a goddamn thing there. Also, taping for the zombie movie wrapped up last night. Expect a fully edited version by the 25th or so. N'd.

7/22/04 - I showed chathamer how to work on the site so his section should be filling up pretty soon. I'm also almost finished working on my flux capacitor that I will be placing in my Focus in order to create a time machine.

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