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 Me, My Life and My Pics

Personality:  Easy going with a good sense of humor.  Grounded but intense in my work and personal life. I attend college and study Medical Technology {PreMed} in prep for the MCAT exam.  I'm very self-assured. I'm 43, well dressed, confident, sexy, intelligent, romantic, sensual and creative.  I'm forceful, yet tender with a nauturally dominant personality. I'm used to controlling my own destiny and creating my own opportunities in life. I'm just as comfortable in a tie as in jeans and a tee shirt. I'm of the opinion that real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not. I enjoy getting a little wild on occasion - actually, getting a lot wild on occasion - and love shots of tequila! To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people, the affection of children and the elderly; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others: this is success to me. I've been in the lifestyle now 15+ years, have a true Sadistic streak in Me and I don't subscribe to the bedroom "SSC", I don't attend munches and I formed the opinion long ago that the orgainzed lifestyle if full of liars, users and drama - none of that interests Me. I am a charter member of the elite Chowder Society. I Own one collared bisexual female slave at present and am interviewing both bisexual females and gay / bisexual thin, smooth YOUNG submissive males for membership in My family.

Looks: Tall  {5' 11"} / lean {160lbs} / athletic.
Pictures are below

Occupation:  Nurse / Paramedic - full time college student.

Location: Lakeland, Florida

Non-Lifestyle Activities: I perfer eclectic activities such as: dog shows, college plays, Ren Fares - I do a bit of ghost hunting {an odd, yet fun hobby}, I love my Schnauzer, enjoy the Dali Museum in St. Pete, sailboats, anything dealing w/ science.  I also like to get a little wild at times. I love visiting San Francisco, New Orleans and seeing new places. I also like the dog races. I love the island lifestyle {Once lived on Singer Island} and will one day retire either in the Keys or on an out-island in Florida. I expect friendship outside of the BDSM arena as much as I except emotion in it. My slaves are My Owned property - and are treated as such. I love to party when my nose isn't in a book.
No - I'm not a nut - but I love attempting to explain the unexplained, I guess that's why I chose to study medicine. My major in college is "Medical Technology". That translates into premed with an interest in biochemistry, molecular microbiology and immunology / infectious disease.
Two pics are below. {Yes, they are really pics I took in an old graveyard expedition in Lakeland - and are featured on a paranormal site here on the net - with my name attached.}

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My Pics




Above Pics: Self shots in the mirror    Below Pic: Crappy pic from a name badge
and my Ninja 500.  Below that: Ghost pics I took. {Yes, real ghosts, the little "orbs" are how they manifest themselves on film usually.}