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My Friends

This is a page for my friends...I thought it would be cute to give some people a shoutout and put a pic of them next to their shoutout so if u check this out and notice that ur pic aint there then u need to give me a pic of you...or if ur name aint on this page then u needta let me kno cuz i love you all!! hehe


Im glad I can call you my bebe again. Alot has changed for the both of of us this year, some good some bad, but Im glad I've got you back...I love you a million pink skittles Caity, and Im going to make our friendship last this time, and im sorry once again for all of the trouble I have caused! You are my i dont think i could have gone through all the depression these past weeks without much has are one of the few people i know i can trust without any doubts at all...I will always be here for you, no matter what happens...damn! we have to grow old together and make sure those punks stay out of our way!


Don, you are my best friend...I have realized through you that life isnt always what it may seem (very complicated at times)...My life has changed soo much in these past few months and you have been there to help me through it all. Im glad we found each other in our times of need...I love you and im always here for you. I love what we have as friends and i hope that we will always be here for one another. I know that i will be here for you, thats for sure!


Barbie, You are the greatest friend a girl could have...I dont kno what i would do without you. I know we dont get a chance to hang out alot because something always comes up but one day we will get a day to ourselves...I feel like i can tell you anything and everything...and u know that you can tell me anything...I am here for you, you kno more about me than alot of people...i feel i can confide alot in you. (the 2nd person i KNOW i can trust) I love you!


Wow, to go through so much but to have someone to go through it with has made life truly incapable of understanding, thats for sure. I love you girl and if you ever need anyone to talk to, you know i am here for you. Thanks for everything, you have been a true best friend!


Oh dear....This is my sister indeed...I dont kno what i would do without you, you are positively the here for you whenever and will be there if you need me (at the snap of a finger) We dont get to hang much or even see each other much but We KNOW we can count on one are truly my sister and a BIG part of my family (to my parents too) I LOVE YOU!


I know we dont talk as much as we would like since we both have been rather buzy lately but you know that you can come to me about anything and i will always be here for you, Come on, we are the First Tarzan And Jane!


We have been through soo much...2 years of god knows what...i wouldnt know where to begin...gosh! lol Anyways i hope that things are working out for you...I love you and deary u know that i am here for you whenever you may need someone to talk to.

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