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Lamb Of God Catholic Apologetics

Lamb Of God Catholic Apologetics and Evangelization

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The purpose of this site is to answer questions non-Catholics may have about the Catholic Church

I plan to accomplish this by linking to various websites; I also plan in the future to write articles of my own in which the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, the Church Founded by Jesus Christ upon the apostles, are clearly explained

So without further ado here come the links

First a little about me

I will develop my own articles, with the hopes, of course, of someday publishing, In the mean time, I will add a lot of links that will take you to some of my favorites sites. This sites are for the most part trusted sites who beliefs are in line with the teaching authority of the Catholic Church.

  • Catholic Answers One of the largest Catholic Apologetics organizations.
  • EWTN Catholic Communications network. Lots of good info.
  • The Vatican Of Course.
  • Bible RSV Bible
  • Catechism The Catechism of the Catholic Church.
  • Scripture Study Now we Get Deeper. Scot Hahn is great.
  • Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry See what non-Catholics think.

    Any questions

    Feel free to drop me an E-mail. I will get to your questions ASAP.