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Available Clutch:


Flamingos are here! They are invading your eyebrows, tv sets, and pillow cases! Wheee! Flamingos are for sale at Dragon Spyrit's Market usually for 15-25c.


This is how mutations and breeding works-

Common colored flamingoes, solid or patterned, are bought at regular sales from the hatchery. Then, they can be bred. Usually, a she-mingo lays 1-4 eggs, which are given to the owner of the bred flamingoes. These eggs have a color or pattern that can identify what color bird will hatch, and with what mutations. These second generation birds can only breed if they have minor mutations, such as extra fluff, large eyes, or alien antennae. Heavily mutated flamingoes will be sterile, but you can always show them and enter them in races.


Color Rarity Guide

Pink: very common
Red: very common
Orange: common
Yellow: common
Purple: common
Green: uncommon
Blue: uncommon
Brown: rare
Gray: rare
Black: very rare
White: very rare

Common Mutations:
large eyes
extra fluff
items like cheese, sporks, pies, and hats
alien antennae

Uncommon Mutations:

three legs
penguin minions
crooked necks

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Layout (c) 2002 Snowflaked, A.K.A. Erika L.
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