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ID: ep055m
Name: Coridan, Greek for "ready to fight"
Crimson Passion coloration, dark red eyes

Current Stats, as of 5-21-04:
Life Points: 135
Strength: 55
Speed: 45
Intelligence: 40
Cunning: 43
Defense: 60

Attacks: Nip (30d)
Bite (50d)
Growl (10% of original defense taken away)
Special Attack: Passionate Strike - 40d

3 RP Exp.

Stats as of 7-5-03:
Life Points: 125
Strength: 45
Speed: 45
Intelligence: 40
Cunning: 43
Defense: 55

1 RP Exp.

Special: draconic wings, horn, spiked tail - Valentines Day Special

Attacks: Nip (30d)
Bite (50d)
Growl (10% of original defense taken away)
Special Attack: Passionate Strike - 40d

Stats as of 5-1-03:
Life Points: 115
Strength: 45
Speed: 40
Intelligence: 40
Cunning: 40
Defense: 50

Stats as of 2-22-03:
Life Points: 105
Strength: 40
Speed: 40
Intelligence: 40
Cunning: 40
Defense: 40

Original Stats:
Life Points: 100
Strength: 40
Speed: 40
Intelligence: 40
Cunning: 40
Defense: 35

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