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Name: Kathy
Age: 32
Location: Long Island, NY
Occupation: Freelance Secretary/Student
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Married, Single, In Love: Divorced, so happily single!
Fave Drink: Budweiser, Diet pepsi
Fave Food: Pizza
Fave Movie(s): The Stand, Steel Magnolias, Star Wars, The Mummy (almost everything)
Favorite Perfumes/Colognes: Soft Musk, Opium
What CD or MP3 would be found playing right now? Winner Takes All
What is your idea of the perfect date? A concert would be the best, or to cuddle up together w/ the right man on a stormy night
List any final thoughts, dreams, quotes, etc. Have fun and don't be shy! I'm looking forward to meeting new and fun people to chat with and maybe meet! And someday to meet the right man...who will be my best friend as well as my lover. "When I get a little money, I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food and clothes."