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Name: Draven Wolf
Age: 26
Location: South Central Virginia
Occupation: Private Investigator
Astrological Sign: Leo/Virgo
Married, Single, In Love: Something like that
Fave Drink: Lizard Fuel from Sobe
Fave Food: Sourdough Pretzels
Fave Movie(s): Shaft(Sam Jackson)
Favorite Perfumes/Colognes: CK1, Aspen, Vanilla fields, Lady Stedson
What CD or MP3 would be found playing right now? Danzig, Under Her Black Wings
What is your idea of the perfect date? Something that doesn't involve a large crowd, I ain't a people person
List any final thoughts, dreams, quotes, etc. Have fun and don't be shy! Judge all you want, just keep the verdict to yourself. Sid Vic Pacem, Parrabellum. Seek The WOLF, Not the Man