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I know most of you guys already know how to do this, but for those of you who don't...follow these instructions to make your own photo albums!

All of the photos of our missions trip have been loaded on to this webpage. (If you have additional photos you want to add, you are welcome to upload them.) To access them, you will have to go to the angelfire webshell and enter the username "fl5/appa03" and the password. I can't write the password here, but you'll all figure it out--what do we date our lives from? (As in BT/AT?)

All the pictures are in a folder called "images", click "images" and then click the "Directory: open" button right above it. You will be taken to a page that lists all the images. If you want to see what a certain one is, you can click the file and then click "File: view".

Under "Create" choose "new file"
In "Name" enter your page name followed by ".html"--thus: nameyouchoose.html
Click "create"
This will take you to a new page where you can choose your album format. Choose "basic"
In page formats, choose "standard" (I know photo album 1 or 2 looks like it will work better, but believe me, it won't!)
Choose your color scheme (you can change it later if you want)
Click . This will take you to a new page. Follow the instructions on the page. (You can delete the list and links by choosing "0" and clicking "refresh")
Once you get to step 9 "create text block", you'll need to use some basic HTML. Here's all you'll really need: (you can copy and paste these, only delete the space between the "<" and the first letter. All other spaces are supposed to be there, but I had to make that extra space or else the HTML would work on my page and become invisible...)
< P> Starts a new paragraph.
< BR> Starts a new line
< B> These words are bold < /B>
< I> These words are italic < /I>
< a href=""> These words are a link < /A>
< img src="images/nameoffile.jpg"> Inserts an image
Experiment and you should be able to figure it out.

In the webshell, choose "sitemap.html" and "file: edit"
This will take you to the editor for the site map. Scroll down to step 8, change to (1 more than it says) links, and click "refresh"
The page will refresh with a blank spot in the list of links. On the left side, type "", on the other side, type the name of your album

One last note: Capitalization matters! If the name of the file is FiLeNaMe.jpg, you'd better type it exactly so or else it won't work.

So thanks for all your help! There are wayyyy too many pictures for me to do this myself. You're also welcome to edit the quotes page any time you like. There's only one rule: don't DELETE anything without my permission! OK? Great! I love you guys!

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The Webshell
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