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Now Playing: Nothing
Topic: News
I don't know. I still get those BBC News e-mails everyday but I can't remember anything really important today. The shooting guy, Brian Nichols, got caught yesterday and today they were blabbering on about how heroic some woman was for sticking with her love for Jesus Christ during the time she was held hostage. Isn't that when it is easiest to hang on to your faith. It's really not that impressive and, in fact, pretty cowardly. Not that I would have done anything different. Natural human reaction. I can't remember any news of any importance. I was in the front page of the State newspaper, but thats not really news, thats just information from the newspaper.

Posted by the Thinker at 23:34 EST
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Now Playing: Nothing
Topic: Thoughts
Angelfire is a nice sounding name. I didn't really think of what it meant at first but now I see that it seems very contradictory. Angels and fire never go together, fire representing Satan and all. Does that mean the Satan was a pyromaniac, and if so, does it mean that a bunch of the kids I know that are pyromaniacs are Satanic? [Two Hour Gap]. Maybe I should write in a paper journal instead, as this is more like trusting my thoughts and memories to a corporation (Satanic) that I don't think that I can trust. I guess I will do something like both. I feel pretty content and don't have many questions as of right now. Just worries. Worries that I don't ever do anything about putting right. Economics and that English project are weights that have been hanging over my head for a while, and when those are over, it will always be something new. Sometimes I wish I could just get away. Now I got that interview on Friday with that Woman from the JCC. I've never done an interview before and I'm definately kind of nervous as if I don't get that job I'll have to work in some shitty fast food or grocrery store. Apparently, I still have to apply for three more scholarships. I heard that the SAT is easier now. That's good because I like having the power to be like one of those old people that talk about walking ten miles to school, except I'd be talking about analogy sections and other stuff that isn't on it anymore. If it would have been harder then I would have had to have acted relieved that I didn't have to take it, but really it would have been dissapointment at the fact that the next generation has more power than me, because, what is a man left with eventually but stories and memories. Memories which, by the way, I am becoming less and less convinced should be trusted to these corporate assholes that own this pop-up wonderland. I'm sure if they are reading they will probably already be deleting this post. But then again, I'll probably end being the same scum that I am complaining about now. If anybody else is actually reading this then don't. It's not for you. It's for me. Notice that I made it so you can't make comments. Because it's not for your input. It's for my input. Make your own blog to complain about mine if you want. I don't think I'm going to that Beatles thing tommorrow, to short notice and I think I am developing an innate fear of changing my schedule around. It's a fear that is probably the most frightening thing that can happen to a teenager. Anarchy becoming organization. The very existence of a schedule in my life is proof that my adolescense is not going to last much longer. I need to break the cycle. I'll probably go now. I think I just convinced myself. Somehow, thoughts are easier to consider when you are writing them down. Maybe that's just the case for me. It's certainly not the case on English essays which we have to do three of this week. That, combined with a government quiz, report cards, a math test, an english project, and those accursed math review books, may come together to form a week that Satan himself would fear. Why is there a "Now Playing" category on this blog? Does it really matter. I'm not listening to anything right now but if I had been I think that I would have probably been judged by that instead of the content of the blog itself. That's what I do anyway. Judge people by what they right down in the "Now Playing" category. Funny how music has become so ingrained into our culture that one simple statement about what someone is listening to can form opinions about them in your mind. Music used to just be fun and the same stuff appealed to every one. Now, there are so many styles and choices. I'm sure that I can connect that to everyone trying to be unique, which, by the way, is absolutely retarded. Or maybe I'm just saying that to try to be unique? It seems stupid to do things that you don't like just to be seen as different to others. Maybe I just don't get it. Or maybe I'm too far in it already to understand it.

Posted by the Thinker at 23:13 EST
Updated: 14/03/2005 23:31 EST
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