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aLpHa0 HoMePaGe

aLpHa0 Home Fuckin with, and confronting people on AIM:

This is Tom's sister who moved from St. Pete to Maryland. You'll notice that like 3-4 lines into it she said he moved from Florida to Maryland about 3 months ago, in December. Since this was done in late May, that would actually be 5 by my count.

I can't really remember this kid's name, but I fucked with him as a favor for a friend.

This is Katrese, by far the worst waste of human life I've ever seen. So, she was easily a target.

Katrese once more. This one wasn't by me, but it's still a good one. Also, you'll notice that she never actually answers the original question presented to her.

This target was David, this was probably the most fun I've ever had fuckin with somebody. And just for the record, no I cannot stand the band that I claim to in this and I am not a racist.

Next person: Rachael. This one was pretty amusing but still not as great as David's. And once again, I'm not a racist.

Here's Sarah from mainstream PPHS. This was decently fun based on the hope of not being sued for harrassment.

Now we move on to Laura. The typical underground metalhead that's totally annoyed by rappers.



Listen, the sooner I get the actual site up the happier you will all be, and the more business the site below gets, the faster I work, get the picture? 727Media