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Laura's Adoptee Page

To my adoptee page

My name is


I am an adoptee in search of any BIRTHFAMILY.



This is what I know

I was adopted at about 6 weeks old through the Catholic Welfare Bureau Inc., in Miami. Up until that point I was in a foster home. On 20 June 1966, my birthmother and birth grandmother signed the surrender for me because my mother was only 17. My adoption was finalized in July of 1967 by the 11th Circuit Court in Dade County, Florida.

My birthmother was 17 at the time of my birth. She was originally from Pennsylvania, but came to Miami with her mother to have me. She was 5'2" tall, weighed about 100 pounds, and her coloring was light with light brown hair and blue eyes. Her nationality, the way she described it, was Slavic-American. Although her family was of Czechoslovakian and Hungarian descent. She was born in the United States, as were her parents. She described herself to be an average student. Originally she was to marry the baby's father but all went bad between families starting with his birthfather's mother. Birthmother's last name started with a "Y".

The birthfather was 18/19 years old and a high school graduate. During this time he was attending a technical school in Pennsylvania. He was 5'6" tall and weighed roughly about 130 pounds. His coloring was light and he had dark brown hair and blue eyes. His nationality was Irish-American. His hobbies were swimming and sports. His health was considered good and he had three sisters.

When my birthmother signed the surrender she was told I was a girl although she did not see me or want to know. I was apparently given the name of Stella Marie, although I do not know if the agency gave me that name or if my bmom gave me that name. Her father was was a Chain man in a steel mill in Pennsylvania. Her older brother also worked in the steel mill. In January 1966, bmom and her mother stayed four doors down from a hospital, although I think it was Baptist hospital. BMom wanted to finish high school and go work for the airlines. During this time the case received a new case worker. The attorney involved was Philip Ludovici.

My name is Chelle and I created this site for my sister, since she is not too computer savy. When sending an email please put Adoptee Laura in Subject line so that I know what your request is.

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