Marty Graz

3-30-03:dang, its been i while, i've been thru some problems and all but hopefully im out of all of them and im going to start updating more, frequently, starting with that pic

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ite ppl well i'm out, if you have anything you'd like to talk about e-mail me at and title it "Graz"

FeedBack Spot

deception and correction is what i'm about even those time i get to angry to shout truly no one knows me, not even myself and i knwo its cause i don't let it out My bestest of friends only know the half the other side i keep blocked away in fear but am i the only one? does everyone else hide there life and thoughts? is the whole world afraid of sharing their true emotions? or is it just me? is it just my small ego the contains me, or human nature half those i tell i love i don't and those who i love with my all i don't tell but on the other hand i do the same with hate i'm afraid that when i finally to reveal will it be too late?

i would like to hear from people on this section, below theres a feedback link, click that and tell me about it

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