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Gone........but will never be forgotten!

Brian Gould
December 22, 1973 - April 2, 2001

Brian was known to most as "floridawontstop" or "floridawontstopme".......well, Florida hasn't stopped, but unfortunately Brian did. :(
Brian's funeral will be on Friday, April 6th.

Words can't even begin to describe the sadness I feel at the loss of my friend. I wanted to do something so that no one would ever forget him. So, I'm setting up this webpage in tribute of him.

Brian was a fun, lovable guy......always there when you needed a laugh and if you were ever sad, you got yelled at.......all cause he loved you, of course.
I really don't think there were many people that didn't like Brian. I mean how could you not?? ;)

I remember countless days and hours I spent on the computer, chatting and voice-chatting with Brian and a void has been made in my life.

Since, I didn't get to say goodbye.....this is a way for me to say goodbye.

So, Goodbye Brian......although you never will be far, because you will always be in my heart. I love you Brian.

your friend always, Kerri (Canadagirl16)

If any of Brian's friends would like me to post a message on here, please email it to me and I'll paste it on here.

Other Links in memory of Brian

Poem I wrote to Brian
Profile of Brian.......according to Brian (first email I ever got from him)
Another memorial site for Brian
Pictures of Brian
Songs or Poems that make you think of Brian
Things that Brian always said
Memorium from the paper 4/5/01

flirtin_angel11 got their NeoPet at
