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Name Link update date Description Website
Sunee&Lalita 18-Aug-2001 Only Photos Sunee&LalitaP1
David Harrison 21-Aug-2001 Cryzy and Real website.
Antonio Dec-2000 Superstar Superstar78250
Roger Dec-2000 Red baron fiend
Andy Dec-2000 Wrestling Crazy Wrestling
Benny Dec-2000 Benny and family Benito
Paul Dec-2000 Rickey Paul's favorite sport
Churairat Supkasi  29-Oct-2005 Bee Bee Gilly

*I do apologize for all pages those used to be flashing on the background.  Somehow after I reload the new pages on the internet, those abilities were disappeared and I couldn't fine the problem just yet, but I will try to do my best to get those back up and running as it suppose to and thank you for understanding.