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Some Information about Peter


Where did I get the name "Peter" from? its the top question in the list that most people asked me. (I don't know why they'd want to know?) First it is my nick name, But isn't tranform from Thai name or Thai nick name. Basicly it is the name that some people instituted upon me since I came here.

Now you got that one. And another populer question "How do I pronounce my name?" People see my name and they don't know what to say, because
It So AHHHH!!! E-k-k-a-p-o-j my first name, pronounce like this-->EK-KA-POTT<-- My Last name even harder T-h-o-n-g-s-r-i , pronounce like this-->Tong-si<-- "TH" and R are silent. Now you got that one too, But next question (right away) "What does that mean?" It doesn't mean anything in English and we know that, But it mean singuler(only 1 or Number 1) and Last name have no meaning.

Fun Fun Fun Of course I like to Party. I like to have fun and act stupid sometime. I like to do anything I want but always have a limit. Say no to Drugs, I used
to be a badboy, drink but no drugs, and now Peter stopped all types of naked-tive I mean negative things. Peter like "Biggie Size" of everything... Peter never being naughty (lier) Thai friend call me "Big Trian" yes it's gotta be something about girls (not girl)

What about nicky name?

Where is the name "ZYBERLY" came from? Well! Don't ask, because I don't even know where I picked that name from. so, that answer will take care of everything...

Love to Play game

What the hack is "RINTER" what kind the name is that.? People on the internet always ask me. The Best answer I can give you is..."Don't know" (again) I just made it up, so people don't recognize me when I go to different chat website

What about my personal matter? I like to talk sweetly to other people and care about them, especially with someone who care about me, be nice to everyone and try to be nice to someone who doesn't like me. I believe in love and myself mostly. How about someone that I don't like? ohh just pretend that we are living in different world, My way or highway sometimes, that's it!, easyly simply about "ME!!"

I am also Romantic

And the code or name "3xP"...3 is the number x mean multiply P and P="Peter" the result is "PPP" Why 3 P or Peter? because P1=ok P2=good P3=best, But that not all the reason that I gave you, it have some other secret meanint to it, and I won't tell ya...!

If you want to be my friend, want to talk, you don't have to register anything, Just contact me. And here how to contact me-->

If you want to send me something or come see me, You must call me and ask for direction, before I give you an address.

Address: San Antonio TX, 78239

Phone:(210)not available

You also can E-mail me,,
E-mail me on My cell-phone anytime

ICQ Number:85350691

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