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Leon Cel Tsuriai, The Holy Warrior

Leon Tsuriai, is the 17 year old, Holy Angel. He claims to be of a high council of Angels, sent to the earth by god, to purgde thoses who don't follow god's way, and Dark Angels. Leon, is actually only Half Holy Angel, and was born on earth. His mother, was of this High Council of Angels, and recived the Angelic Sword of Light to help her defeat Dark Angel Jesse. Leon is the result of an experement, which happened 3 years ago. The scientist took cells from a Holy Angelic, and a Dark Angelic, and from them created Leon. Leon was made at age 14, so he never had much of a childhood. He lived with his mother, untill he was 15. During this time Leon's mother would no allow him to train in any art of fighting. When Leon was 15, the Dark Angel Jesse, attacked Leon's village, and his mother went to fight. Leon, who refused to stand by and watch this happen, was knocked out, and sent away by his mother. When Leon awoke, all that he had ever known was destroyed. Everyhting, but the Sword of Light, the Sword that his mother had used during this battle. Enraged Leon took the sword of light, and fought Dark Angel Jesse, who reviled himself as a corrupted Jesse Tsuriai, and that his cells helped make Leon. Jesse was Leon's father. Jesse defeated Leon with ease, but allowed him to live, and even with the Sword of Light. After this battle Leon trained, untill he was 17, and made his return, were he fought Jesse, and spared his life. Ever sents Leon has never made any move to kill or harm Jesse, or Locke, even though they are both Dark Angels. Leon can seem like an evil person at times, and really mean. But Leon is actually one of the more compassionate people in the Tsuriais. Leon is regaurded as the Leader, being able to beat everyone in the family, besides Elliott. But Elliott is not the leader, because of his lack in social skills. Leon spends most of his time, training or looking for a person to call a friend. But it is love that Leon really longs for. Just recently Leon, after saving the world acouple times, has just advanced in rank, he is no longer the Holy Angel. Leon is a Seraphim, of the 1st circle of Holy creatures.
"IN the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. 2 Above it stood the Seraphims: each one has six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. 3 And one cried Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory." Isaiah 6:1-3

Angel Hell Fire