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Hello all, and thanks for stopping by our little place on the web. As usual, its under construction all the time, so please, excuse the mess. On this site you will find some of the pages I have created and some that my friends have done. I am also planning to have a page dedicated to kewl links! We hope you enjoy your stay!!!

Me & Hubby

Welp, not a whole lot of interresting stuff to tell ya about us. I have recently gone back to school for Computer Programming/Web Design. For the last 12 years, I have worked in the veterinary field as a Vet Tech., so its quite a big step for me. Hubby is a baker here at a local grocery. Poor guy has to get up at 3 in the morning and needless to say, he can fix his own breakfast before he leaves!! (he he)

Code Man

This is our little bundle of joy, Cody, or should I say our lil bundle of "ENERGY"? He spends his days terrorizing the family pets and being a typical 3 year old. I must say, he's very good at what he does!!!