by Starfire



The Red Sea Series

Life Embedded In A Sea of Red
Will the truth of love be revealed?

Red Sea Of Time
Time is all the essence.

A Rising Red Sea
Who is good and who is evil?

Pink Sea Blue Skies
What is wrong with Cassie?


The Waterstar Series

Heart's Decision
A mysterious girl in Kai's dream becomes reality.

Heart Eclipse
Kai and Liz go on their first date.

Heart Life
Kai might lose his true love.

Heart to Heart
Kai has to talk.

Past of the WaterStar
The past comes to the present.

Memories of the WaterStar
Mike and his day in the life of shock therapy.


Blue Cloud, Silver Lining

Cloudy Star
Clouds are on the horizon.

Cloud Lining
Will Kai survive these tormenting memories?

Silver Star Memories
Every blue cloud has a silver lining.

Cloudy Tears
Clarity is in the minds of all creatures.

Identity of the Silver Lining
Kai is puzzled with the Identity of his love.



Lost Child of Alantis
Secrets of Alantis will arise.



Heart of Mine
The Phantom is thinking.

When Computers Talk
A fic that will just make you go...WHAT?



The TOE Index