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The 10th Kingdom: Role Player's Haven

Do you love the NBC mini series "The 10th Kingdom"? Do you love RPGing? Well, then you'll love this site! Here you'll find a not-so-common (I've only seen about two other sites with this idea, too) combonation of Chat role playing and the fabulously imaginative "10th Kingdom" story line.

As of now, we only have 6 members, other than myself, so please join us! Feel free to create your own characters (that's probably one of the most important parts—the new and creative characters ^_^), but people willing to play as characters from the actual movie are of maximum importance right now. Once we have people playing as all the characters, I'll let you know, so not to disillusion you into thinking that the offer is still up.

That said, the role of Virginia has been claimed, but the person has yet to send me a pic and profile to post in the "Cast ofd Characters" page. Look for that sometime soon.

I look forward to many adventures with you in the magical world of ... "The 10th Kingdom"!

IMPORTANT NOTE: A thousand apologies for taking so long to update the site. The computer was fixed on time, it was simply that I never took the responsabilitiy of clearing enough time to tend to this website. I assure you, this won't happen again. New profiles were added to the "Cast of Character's" section and as you see, the site has gotten a minor facelift. So go ahead and have a look at the new profiles. ^_^

Rules of RPGing
The Viewing Mirror(that's the chatroom, for those coming from another dimension ^_~)
Character List


This Tenth Kingdom Fanfiction Webring Site is owned by Carina
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