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"For a Wonderful Mother"

You're a wonderful mother,
This I know is true
So I just sat down,
And wrote this for you.

Now as I look back,
On the days of old,
It's so easy to see,
You've a heart made of gold.

When things got tough
Us kids always knew,
That you would be there.
We could count on you.

You're so very special,
And we'd want no other,
You're loving and kind,
Ouw own sweet, dear mother.

And each night I pray,
Ere my eyes close in sleep,
She's ours here on earth,
But yours Lord to keep.

So I thank you Lord,
For giving to me,
This one who is ours,
Mother to us three.

She taught us the ways,
To tell right from wrong.
She's stood right beside us,
And helped us grow strong.

So when her life here is over,
And her work here is done,
We pray you take her to heaven,
To be with you and your son.

For she's had her hard times,
Lord, here on this earth,
Even some from the children,
To whom she gave birth.

But this one thing Lord,
We do know for sure,
Her love is unconditional,
and her heart is so pure.

As far as we're concerned,
This can be put to a test.
Of all of the mothers on earth,
Lord you gave us the Best!!

So, on this Mother's Day,
May 13th, 2001
Here's love for you Mom,
From your daughter and sons.

We love you Mom, now and forever!
From Vi-Linda, Jack and John

Written by Lynangel50 on May 9th, 2001

<bgsound src="andiloveher.mid">

Midi playing is "And I love her" by the Beatles

I always try to give the proper credit for all graphics, poetry, etc.
on all of my webpages. If I've missed anyone, my sincerest
apologies to you and if you would be so kind as to
e-mail me, I would promtly see that you receive the credit due
or remove the item, whichever you'd prefer. Of course,
I'm hoping you will graciously allow me to use them .
Thank you and God Bless

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