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This page is dedicated to my son Shane,whom I love
so very much. I'm very proud to call you son, sweetheart.


I feel so fortunate to have you for a son
I love your bright face
when we talk seriously about the world
I love your smile
when you laugh at the inconsistencies in the world
I love your eyes
when you are showing emotion
I love your mind
when you are discovering new ideas
and creating dreams to follow
Many people tell me that
they cannot talk to their children
that they cannot wait for them to leave home
I want you to know
that I enjoy you so much and
I look forward to any time we can spend together
Not only are you my adored son
but you are also my friend
I am so proud of you
my son and
I love you

~Susan Polis Schutz~

It seems like just
a little while ago
you raised your tiny head
and smiled at me
for the first time
and I smiled back with tears
I loved you so much then
Though you are older now
living your dreams
pursuing your own goals
I still look at your beautiful smile
to know that things are all right with you
and I am so very proud of you
and I love you even more now

~Susan Polis Schutz~

As you keep growing and learning
striving and searching
it is very important
that you pursue your own interests
without anything holding you back
It will take time
to fully understand yourself
and to discover what you
want out of life
As you keep growing and learning
striving and searching
I know that the steps in your journey
will take you on the right path
Whatever happens in the future
I will always be rooting
for your happiness and success
and you can always depend
on my love and support.

~Susan Polis Schutz~

This little angel was adopted to watch over you
You may adopt one of your own by going to the site below.

To My Grown -Up Son

My hands were busy through the day.
I didn't have much time to play,
The little games you asked me to.
I didn't have much time for you.

I'd wash your clothes, I'd sew and cook.
But when you'd bring your picture book,
And ask me please to share your fun,
I'd say: "A little later, son.";

I'd tuck you in all safe at night.
And hear your prayers, turn out the light,
Then tiptoe softly to the door . . .
I wish I'd stayed a minute more.

For life is short, the years rush past . . .
A little boy grows up so fast.
No longer is he at your side,
His precious secrets to confide.

The picture books are put away.
There are no longer games to play.
No good-night kiss, no prayers to hear . . .
That all belongs to yesteryear.

My hands, once busy, now are still.
The days are long and hard to fill.
I wish I could go back and do,
The little things you asked me to.

~Author Unknown~

I always try to give the proper credit for all graphics, poetry, etc.
on all of my webpages. If I've missed anyone, my sincerest
apologies to you and if you would be so kind as to
e-mail me, I would promtly see that you receive the credit due
or remove the item, whichever you'd prefer. Of course,
I'm hoping you will graciously allow me to use them .
Thank you and God Bless

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