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Happy 4th Birthday Sweetie

This year has brought some changes
We’ve had rough times along the way
Like the weeks you, sweet angel, were missing
And our lives were in total disarray!

Our days were filled with sadness
Many hearts were surely broken
Everyone could feel our pain
Without one word being spoken

But thanks to the Lord we found you
The sunshine in our lives is back
And thanks to his sweet peace and blessing
Our lives are getting back on track

You run and jump and giggle
What joy to see you play
It just takes a child’s sweet smile
And our skies are no longer gray

It’s great to have you home my angel
Back here where you belong
Now our lives are filled with sunshine
And are hearts are filled with song

And now it’s time to celebrate
On sadness close the door
It’s just so hard to really believe
Our little angel’s turning four!

Happy Birthday Sweetheart!
You’re loved by so many!!

Written by Nana Lynn Kitchene
September 3rd, 2006
To my granddaughter Samantha Lynn Kitchene

<BGSOUND SRC="Learn_to_Be_Lonely.wav" LOOP="-1">

This graphic set was created especially for Samantha
by her Aunt T. Please do not steal!

Tedibears Den

I always try to give the proper credit for all graphics, poetry, etc.
on all of my webpages. If I've missed anyone, my sincerest
apologies to you and if you would be so kind as to
e-mail me, I would promtly see that you receive the credit due
or remove the item, whichever you'd prefer. Of course,
I'm hoping you will graciously allow me to use them .
Thank you and God Bless

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