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YOU, Me, and All Those
Other CRAZY People!

Hey guys! This is my "new" website. Well not really because I’ve had it for a while, but I’ve decided it was in some dire
need of change. Ahhh, yes. Change is good. So anyway, I took off some pictures, added some, hopefully changed a bunch
of this really boring nonsense around for your enjoyment, actually just so that it wasn’t SO boring.
Anyway, my first improvement is sad yes, but very much needed. As you can see I traded in my picture of my
good friend Sallie and myself from two years ago, to a more current picture. This new one is my friend BECCA and I
at the bawg-in in Greensboro. Bex is from Colorado and I brought her to this joyous redneck wonder for her birthday!
So as you browse in your undies (as we all do), sip a Joe, sit back and try to
enjoy some memories that you may or may not have shared with me!
Happy browsing my fellow interneters!
Keep rocking!

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Floyd's Pix
Socialburn Pix
Pix from Munroe
FITS 2003
Maclay 'n Junk
