...Even Though My Life Before Was Tragic...
Home Writings Links Pictures Webpage Design Philosophy Song Quote Credits News F.A.Q.

Hey all, send me some questions for my FAQ page!!!

Hello, and welcome to the only spot on this planet, aside from the obvious, where you can get inside my head and see what kind of person I really am. I know a lot of you have been wondering about that for some time so, here you are. I also know that aside from all of three of you, no one knows what I look like. So, I have remedied that problem and you can check me out on the pictures page accessable somewhere up on the top of the page.

Now, very few of my friends are, shall we say less bright, than I am, however, there are those few. For their benefit, and because I thought this first page looked a little bare, I will explain what the purty homemade buttons up on the top point to.

Home = This points to the page you are looking at. When you looking at another one of my pages, and wish to be the subject of a covert insult on your intelligence, click here and read this again. ;)

Writings = Possibly the most confusing of the pages on this site, aside from the pictures page of course, clicking here will give you a free pass into my mind. You will be subjected to the literal embodiment of some of the snippets of thoughts that roam around in my head. You have been warned, so if you don't get some of it, it is your own fault...

Places You Gotta Visit = It is an unwritten rule that on every personal webpage a links page must be included. I believe this is a stupid rule, but who am I to go against the consensus? hehehe Anyway, I have to plug my favorite sites out there, so I submit to you, this links page cleverly hidden behind a bad title.

Pictures = Ok, as I said before, all but three of you are ignorant as to my physical appearance. It is nice to put a face to an internet mask so here you go. Click here and be shocked as your mental image up to now is shattered into itty bitty pieces.

Webpage Design Philosophy = This one is a little unusual. Very few people try to justify or even explain why they desgined their pages a certain way. As usual, I don't follow the norm. Therefore, click here to read about why I chose this particular design for my site.

Song Quote Credits = As you move around my site, you will definitely notice that most, if not all, pages have a song quote on the top that I use as a title graphic. To save my self the trouble of copyright infringments and such, I've placed each quote, what song it is from, and who sang it on a type of index page. So, if you are wondering where a particular quote is from, click there. I know there may be a few wrong, so please correct me.

News = Here I will put up anything that is important at the time. Mostly, the page will just have things that are going on in my life. Click here if you haven't heard from me in awhile to see what's going on in my life.

F.A.Q. = I know no one who visits this page is ignorant of what the anocrym FAQ stands for, but for those who may have forgotten, it means "Frequently Asked Questions". Again, this is where I veer from the "norm". I would like people to get to know me better, and the best way I know of having that come about is to answer whatever questions you may have. So, drop me a line with your question, and I'll try to answer it here.
And now, the customary closing stuff...

Bobby's Place, © 1999 Robert Raymond Alpizar