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Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 |Season 5 |Season 6 | Season 7

.......I'd like to thank the CFSI page for most scripts in this index. I'd like to give credit to Eric Aasen from CFSI and guineapig who maintained the old CFSI.for these scripts. I would also like to thank a friend of mine, Jim (Chanandler Bong) for transcribing some of these scripts. On another thankful note, I would like to thank Jean from Friends obsessions for transcribing some scripts. Another thanks to Adam from Adam's Friends page for the uncut version of some Season 7 episodes and also to Matt for some un-edited scripts (mostly from the Best of Friends Video).
Important Notice:
these are not the actual scripts, only ones transcribed from the show.