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The Ricks Family
Home Page
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Hi, I'm Ray and I'm the head of this motley crew. I have started this web site because it is fun and I have a lot of time on my hands.

If you are friend or family you know why I "retired" before the age of forty. If you just "surfed" in checking out personal web pages you can e-mail me if you want details. (Cheesy way to get e-mail.)

Actually, this is my chance to proclaim to the world that my wife is an angel. She is chief cook, caretaker, bus driver, fund raiser, role model, and most important the love of my life.

Regina has been with me since 1977 and every day is happier than the day before. There are four days in my life that are tied for first place; my wedding day, the birth of our children Jennifer and Charles, and the day I accepted Christ as my personal savior.

Life is good.

Our Carribean cruise pictures here
dots2.gif - 1936 BytesRay    dots2.gif - 1936 BytesRegina     dots2.gif - 1936 BytesJennifer     dots2.gif - 1936 BytesCharles

Site maintained by Ray Ricks

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