Twists of Fate: Separation . . . Parting

They say that love can overcome anything, but can it really? My whole life I've wanted nothing more than to be loved. When I finally am, I find out that it cannot be . . . it wasn't meant to be. The fates are so cruel to me . . . life has been so unfair to me . . . the one thing I want more than anything, is the one thing I can't have . . . And now I know that I cannot have the one I want . . . the one I love . . . The fates are so cruel! . . . They say that love can overcome anything, but can it really? . . .

~Be with You~
Monday night and I feel so low Count the hours they go so slow I know the sound of your voice Can save my soul City lights, streets of gold Look out my window to the world below Moves so fast and it feels so cold And I'm all alone Don't let me die I'm losing my mind Baby just give me a sign And now that you're gone I just wanna be with you And I can't go on I just wanna be with you Wanna be with you I can't sleep and I'm up all night Through these tears I try to smile I know the touch of your hand Can save my life Don't let me down Come to me know I've got to be with you somehow And now that you're gone I just wanna be with you And I can't go on I wanna be with you Wanna be with you And now that you're gone Who am I without you now I can't go on I just wanna be with you And now that you're gone I just wanna be with you And I can't go on I wanna be with you Wanna be with you And now that you're gone I just wanna be with you And I can't go on I wanna be with you Wanna be with you Enrique Iglesias - Enrique
Yesterday . . .

Mamoru's dream:

Mamoru is standing in a church. There are many people gathered around. They all have smiles on their faces. The music is playing as the bridesmaids walk towards him. Finally, the moment he's been waiting for over a thousand years for. SHE is dressed in a long white gown. The veil is covering her face, but he knows that its HER, his soulmate, his love. SHE is walking slowly towards him. A smile is tugging at his lips. SHE is by his side. Mamoru lifts her veil to reveal the blushing bride. He gasps as he sees the sight before him. Everything is wrong. HER eyes . . . They are not the baby blues he was accustomed to. Rather they were a dangerous shade of red. HER hair . . . It wasn't the usual blonde meatball hair, but a deep crimson flowing freely to her knees. It almost looked like her hair was liquid blood. "NOOOOO!! You're not MY USAKO!!! What have you done to her??!!! Where is she??!!" "Mamoru-kun, calm down. We have to begin the ceremony," someone said behind him. "WHAT!!!??!!! SHE'S not MY soulmate!!" "Mamo-chan, I know you're nervous and all, but please, love, you're making a scene." "How DARE YOU CALL ME THAT!" "I've always called you THAT, love." "WHERE IS SHE?!???!!!" "Oh, you mean HER. Well, she's gone and I'm here, so lets get on with the ceremony." "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" A flash of bright light momentarily blinds everyone, including Mamoru. When he opened his eyes, he was in a foggy atmosphere. As the fog begins to lift, he realized he was in death's home. He walked over to a huge grey stone that had many flowers, roses to be exact, around it. He fell to his knees and looked at the writing . . . "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! It can't be!!!!!!! It just can't be!!!!!!!!" "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" Mamoru woke up screaming. He was drenched in sweat. "This wasn't the usual stay away from the princess dream that I've had every night. What could this one mean? I'm so confused!!" He got up and walked to the window. The moon was shining brightly in the dark sky. It reminded him of her angelic face. He walked over to the nightstand and picked up the picture of them. His finger traced her face, lips, hair, body. "I'm so sorry Usako. I didn't want to break up with you, but those dreams told me to stay away. And now . . . now this other dream is telling me something else. Its tearing me apart Usa! I love you so much it hurts! Please, love, wait for me. I love you . . . I love you . . . I love you . . . " The tears that he held back for the past few weeks could no longer be held back. He cried out in anguish for everything that he was doing to her, his only love . . . From a portal, two figures watched as the Earth Prince broke down. "Must we do this. It's bad enough that his future self, the Neo-King, has separated them. He won't be able to survive any more suffering." "It has to be done. Not even Sailor Pluto or the Neo- King could've predicted this. The fates work in mysterious ways." "But, the time-line, the child-" "Everything will change. Probably not for the better." "But look at him! He can't live without her! Neither can the senshi!" "I am only following what the fates have ordered to be done. I cannot disobey them." "The fates are playing a cruel game with such innocent hearts." "Hopefully the Prince will listen to the dream you sent him and prepare himself for the unexpected." "Nothing will prepare him or the others for what will happen."
As the sun rose, the streets of Tokyo began to slowly get busy as its residents awoke to the new day. Mamoru was one of them. He walked through the streets like a zombie. He hadn't had a good nights rest in weeks, and with this new dream invading his entire existence, he couldn't think of anything else. He turned a corner and bumped into someone. Of course it wasn't just someone, it was HER. He got up and dusted himself off, before offering his hand to help her up. To his surprise he felt nothing but air. He looked down and saw only a pair of legs. He looked up and in front of him stood his Usako. She was staring at the ground, clutching her book bag. "I'm sorry Mamoru-san. It won't happen again," she said before walking around him and proceeding on her way to school. Mamoru couldn't comprehend what had just happened. She didn't even accept his help or anything. He couldn't believe how much she's changed. He turned around and saw her retreating figure being engulfed by the people walking on the street. He noted that her hair hung limply to her head and that she walked dejectedly down the street. This was not his Usako. Mamoru felt an overpowering feeling of guilt sweep through everything within him. 'Is this what I've done to her??' He knew she took the break-up badly, but he had never noticed exactly how badly she took it and what it did to her. Then again, maybe he did know, but refused to acknowledge and accept it. Mamoru couldn't deal with it anymore. He felt like he would snap at any moment. One more thing gone wrong would send him over the edge and into the insanity he was trying so hard to fight. Instead of going to class, Mamoru walked back to his apartment, hoping to compose himself by breaking a few things.
The sun began setting, indicating the end of another day. The darkness was slowly creeping on the light, taking it away. The last rays of the sun filtered through Mamoru's apartment. Mamoru was on the floor, his back leaning on one of the couches in his living room. His eyes were closed, his lips were slightly parted, and his arms were crossed over his chest. Some locks of his hair fell onto his eyes and began tickling his nose slightly. Mamoru used one of his hands to move the locks away, when all of a sudden he felt a surge of pain shoot through his body. He opened his eyes and ran to the balcony holding a rose in his hand. He jumped from the balcony and onto a nearby roof top. When he landed, the transformation was completed and he was no longer Mamoru, but his alter ego, Tuxedo Kamen. Tuxedo Kamen allowed his instincts to take over, letting them lead him to his Usako.
"Mars! Look out!" Mars tried to dodge the attack, but she was second too late. The blast hit her on the letg and she screamed out in pain. Mercury ran to her. "Are you ok?" "I guess so." Mercury turned on her visor and took out her data computer. She began to scan Mars's leg, as the others desparately tried to weaken the youma. "Venus crescent beam . . . SMASH!" "Jupiter thunder clap . . . ZAP!" Moon watched the battle from a hiding place and knew that she had to help her friends. But she couldn't just leave Chibi- Usa alone here. 'Where are Luna and Artimas?' She looked down at the bundly in her arms. Chibi-Usa was crying. She was scared, lost, alone, and wanted nothing more than to be in her mother's arms right now. She was glad to know that at least she could be in her future mother's arms. Chibi-Usa, Usagi, and Luna were the only ones that knew the true identity of Chibi-Usa. It wasn't that hard to figure out and they had yet to tell the others. They didn't tell anyone because of Usagi's insistence. She didn't want Mamoru to return to her because they had a child together. He had told her that he didn't want destiny to guide his life anymore, so she never told him. She wanted him to come back to her for love. "Shhh. Baby, its ok. I'm here now. There's no need to be frightened anymore," Moon said softly as she tried to calm her future daughter. Moon continued to stroke her daughter soothingly. "Chibi-Usa, please look at me." The child slowly lifted her head and met her mother's gaze. "Honey," Moon said as she wiped some of Chibi-Usa's tears from her face, "I have to go into battle and help the senshi. They need me. Mars is hurt badly and the others are getting weaker and weaker. I don't know how much longer they can hold off the youma." The child nodded. "I want you to stay here and not move an inch until I come for you, ok." "Yes." "Good. I shouldn't be long." Moon got up and was about to walk out of the hiding place, but Chibi-Usa stopped her. "Momma, I don't want you to go and fight. I have a really bad feeling about this." "I know. So do I." "Shine aqua . . . ILLUSION!" Mercury's attack momentarily distracted the youma, allowing the others to prepare for the next attack. Moon rushed to Mars. "You alright?" "Yeah, yeah. No big deal." "Sorry." "Not your fault. Is she alright?" "A little scared, but fine." "Venus love chain . . . ENCIRCLE!" "Rei?" "Yeah." "Promise me something." "Usa, this isn't the time or the place." "Please." "Fine, what?" "You'll live." "WHAT!?" "If anything happens, I want you to promise me that you'll go on and help the others, especially Mamo-chan." "Usa, don't talk like that!" "Sorry, but I just have this feeling that something's going to happen . . . Please, promise me that." "Of course, Usa, anything for you." "It means a lot to me, thanks! I love you Rei, you're my best friend," Moon said as she hugged Mars tightly. "I know, I know. Stop the mushiness and lets destroy this thing!" "Alright, lets do it!" Moon helped Mars to her feet. Mars held onto Moon for support. "Moon! Mars! Look out!" A blast was heading towards them. It was too late too late to do anything. Moon closed her eyes waiting for the impact. When it didn't come, she opened her eyes and saw a perfect red rose embedded in the ground. She looked up and saw Tuxedo Kamen. Their eyes met for a second before he turned from her and ran towards the youma with his cane. He began attacking it, distracting it so that Moon had enough time to power up. "Now Sailor Moon!" "Right! Moon scepter . . . ELIMINATION!" The youma recovered from Tuxedo Kamen's attack and sent a blast of razor sharp objects at Sailor Moon before disintegrating into a pile of dust. It was too late to do anything. No one expected the blast, least of all Sailor Moon. There was no time to dodge it. The sharp objects hit her entire body, cutting her arms, legs, torso. Moon fell to the ground. She felt the darkness come over her. "NOOOOOO!!!!!! USAKOOOO!!!!!!!" Kamen ran to his beloved. The others followed his lead. Kamen reached her first, holding her body tightly against him. Her hair had come undone and her senshi uniform was slashed, revealing the many cuts she has sustained. She was bleeding profusely. Kamen started crying ant the sight before him. Mercury knelt down and began an analysis of their fallen leader. Mars held onto Jupiter for support and Chibi-Usa buried herself in Venus's embrace. "She's lost a lot of blood and she doesn't have much energy left. I'm afraid that there's nothing more we can do," Mercury said as she began weeping silently. "NO! There has to be more we can do! You can't leave us, you can't leave me, Usako! You can't go! You can't! I can't live without you! Please!" "I'm sorry, Mamo-chan, minna (everyone). I can't hold on for much longer. The darkness is coming faster. I love all of you. Please live your lives without me. Mamo-chan, I love you so much. I forgive you. I know you didn't mean it. Chibi-Usa, come here." The child left Venus's embrace and came closer to Moon. "Mamo-chan, this is our future daughter." Everyone gasped. They knew that Usagi and Chibi-Usa had manuy similarities, but this was unexpected. "She . . . She's ours?" "Yes, Daddy! I'm sorry for not telling you, but Mommy made me promise not to!" "Its alright darling. I love you, both of you." "I don't know what will happen . . . what will happen to our daughter once I'm go-" "Don't Usako! You're not leaving me!" "Please tell Luna, Artimas, and the outer senshi that I love them. Also tell Luna to use her mind meld to erase any memories of me from my family and other friends (i.e., Motoki, Naru, Umino, etc.) . . . I have to go now. I love you. Remember 'Death ends a life, not a relationship.' Mamo-chan, please do me a favor." "Anything." "Kiss me." Kamen lifted Moon's chin and moved closer to her lips. He kissed her slowly at first, before kissing her deeply and hungrily, hoping that the kiss, the power of their love, would bring her back. She responded to his kiss for awhile. Kamen slowly felt her going limp under him. Tears began flowing down his cheeks and onto her face. She was gone. They all knew it. She was gone. "What's happening to me!!???" Everyone looked at Chibi-Usa. She was beginning to disappear. "NOO! You can't take my daughter too!" Kamen held both mother and daughter tightly in his embrace. "I love you Daddy!" She disappeared into thin air. "NOOOO! Please! Give them back! Please!" "Oh my god!" This was not supposed to happen!" "Pluto! Bring them back! Bring Usako back!" "I can't your majesty. I only came here because there were some rifts in time. I wanted to check them out. Princess! Is she . . . " "Yes, she is." "Small Lady?" "Her too."
They say that love can overcome anything, but can it really? My whole life I've wanted nothing more than to be loved. When I finally am, I find out that it cannot be . . . it wasn't meant to be. The fates are so cruel to me . . . life has been so unfair to me . . . the one thing I want more than anything, is the one thing I can't have . . . And now I know that I cannot have the one I want . . . the one I love . . . The fates are so cruel! . . . They say that love can overcome anything, but can it really? . . .