The Diamond Affair Epilogue


The dark gate closed. Everyone was tired from the amount of energy that they had used. Serenity detransformed, leaving behind Serena. She was the most tired and fell to the ground. Tux caught her. "Usako, Usako, you did it!" "No, we did it." Serena looked at Saffir and Diamond. Pluto ran to him. He caught her with open arms. Diamond kissed the top of her forehead and ran his fingers through her green hair, before catching her lips with his own. Everyone smiled at the scene. They knew that everything would be ok again. Serena looked at them. She had one more thing to do before they went back to their lives. She got up with Tux's help. She looked at Saffir, who was trying to get Diamond's attention. Diamond: "WHAT?!" Saffir grinned then pointed to Serena and Tux. Diamond reluctantly let go of Pluto and walked towards them. Saffir followed him. Diamond and Saffir knelt down before them in respect. Diamond: "I want to ask for your forgiveness. Saffir only did what he was told, please don't punish him. I am truly sorry for all I've done. I will do anything to make it right. Just tell me what to do." Serena looked at Tux, who was looking at Diamond. Tux: "Prince Diamond, I can't tell you how much I hate you. You went after my daughter, then after the one that I love. But, that's in the past now. I can see that you've changed and that you realize all your mistakes. So, if Serena can forgive you, then so can I." Diamond looked up at Tux. He did not expect Tux to be so understanding. Serena: "Well, of course I forgive you. You know I can't hold a grudge for that long." She smiled at them. Tux: "But, don't ever do that again. If you do, I won't hesitate to kill you!" Serena: "There's only one thing left to do. Please rise." Saffir and Diamond got up and looked at Serena strangely. They were about to ask her what she meant, but she wouldn't let them. "You're probably wondering what I mean. Well, the two of you have proven yourselves. You can be good, you were just shown the wrong path. Just like the four sisters, I am offering to cleanse you of all your dark energy. Do you accept?" "Yes." "Yes." "Good." She smiled at them before holding the crystal in her hands. "Moon healing ACTIVATION!" Surges of white and pink energy emanated from the crystal, cleansing them. The upside down crescent moon symbols on their foreheads disappeared and were replaced by upright crescent moons. After the process was complete, Serena felt drained and fainted into Tux's arms. "She's just tired from using the crystal that much. She should be fine in a little while." Pluto took them all back to the past, to Darien's apartment. Darien's Apartment: "Daddy!" Tux smiled at her and hugged her. Rini looked down and saw Serena sleeping with a smile on her face. "Will she be alright?" "Of-" "Of course, I will. Takes more than that to get rid of me!"

"Mommy!" Rini hugged her tightly. Tux turned his attention to everyone in the room, who looked at Diamond and Saffir with contempt. Tux: "Before you kill them, listen to me. Serena and I have forgiven them. Serena also used the crystal to heal them. They helped us in the final battle. So, find it your hearts to forgive them. They are truly sorry." Everyone was in a deep thought. They knew that they should forgive Diamond and Saffir, but they kept thinking about what they dark moon had done to them. Diamond: "I understand if you don't want to forgive me. You will never know how sorry I am. Saffir and I will go, he has some unfinished business to take care of." Saffir blushed slightly. He knew that Diamond was talking about going to Petz and telling her how he feels about her. "You don't have to be pushy about it." "Yeah, if Serena and Darien can forgive you, so can we." "Thank you very much. Saffir and I will make it all up to you." Pluto: "Small Lady." Rini looked at her and knew that it was time to go. She looked at her "parents" and then to her friends. Rini hugged the generals and senshi as they told her some words of wisdom (AN: not really, but ok:). She then hugged Saffir and Diamond, telling them that she's glad that they're not bad anymore. Rini then ran to her future mother and father and hugged them. The three of them stayed like that for a few moments. Serena and Rini began crying. Rini then broke the hug and went to Pluto. Rini raised her time key, "Crystal key take me HOME!" A pink light formed, blinding everyone. When it was gone, so was Rini. Serena: "I'm going to miss her." Tux: "Just for now." They looked at each other and kissed. Everyone else looked at them with smiles on their faces before leaving the apartment, so that the couple could have some time to themselves.