sibling rivalry part 1-3

Chapter 1:
A child with dark hair and dark eyes ran through the semi-crowded corridors of Tokyo General Hospital. His face was stained with many tears and he struggled to hold back the others that had welled up in his eyes. He was searching for a place where he could be alone . . . where he could cry . . . he swore that he would never let HIM see him cry . . . never! Finally, the young boy found an empty room. He ran in, not bothering to shut the door behind him. He landed on the pillow, breaking out into uncontrollable sobs. He had a lot to deal with for one so young. His whole life had just changed in a matter of moments . . . seconds . . . he knew that his life would never be the same . . . He felt shocked, betrayed, sad, empty, alone . . . his whole world turned upside down . . . He didn't know how to get rid of the pain, anger, and emptiness he felt overwhelming his entire existence . . . he did not know how he would ever get through this chapter of his life. He prayed for some sort of answer . . . a sign . . . a way out . . . he didn't want to feel like this for the rest of his life. He was broken out of his thoughts by a soft and angelic voice, that was filled with so much love and concern, "Please don't cry." The young boy looked up to see a little girl with blonde hair (that was put up in a strange hairstyle) and blue eyes (AN: any guesses as to who she is?). She looked at him and smiled brightly. "Who are you?" "My family call me Bunny. I don't want you be sad no more (AN: can you just imagine usagi saying it like this!)." "I just lost my parents and now I have to live with someone who hates me as much as I hate him." "Please cheer up. I hate it when people cry. Especially today!" "What's so special about today?" "Today, I am a big sister! But . . . " "But, what?" "I'm just worried that I'll be a bad sister." "I think you'll be fine." "Thanks! I'm going to be the best sister I can be!" Somehow, he knew that she would be. She smiled again. Mamoru felt something stir in him. He no longer felt so empty anymore. "Usagi!" "That's my dad. I have to go now, but don't worry about nothing, cause everything will be alright. If its not, then I'll be here for you . . . I'll be your family." "Usagi!!" She smiled brightly again and then gave him a little peck on his cheeck. He looked at her dumbstruck. She smiled at his expression of shock and then gave him a perfect red rose from her bouquet (AN: now you know why our mamo-chan loves roses . . . red roses). She then walked out of the door and out of his life . . . "Bunny . . . Usako . . . " The little boy clutched the rose tightly against his chest and touched the place where she kissed him. He stared at her retreating figure, and felt a burden lift from his shouldars, he felt that he would somehow manage to get through this whole ordeal . . . the girl and the rose were the signs he was praying for . . .

Never had he met someone so young and so kind. He knew she would become a very beautiful and wonderful person one day and he wanted her to be a part of his life. He swore that he would do everything possible to better himself for her . . . he would excel at everything and never give up . . . he would find her some day . . . "Well, there you are," a voice said nonchalantly. "What do YOU want?" "MY father was looking for you. I don't see why though, you're not worth it." Before the child had a chance to reply, another voice said, "There you are Mamoru! I was looking everywhere for you." The man walked towards Mamoru, sitting next to him on the bed. He placed a hand comfortingly on Mamoru's shouldar. "Mamoru, I know this is very hard for you, but I promise you'll get through this, even though it doesn't look that way right now. My son and I will be your new family. I just finished signing all the necessary papers, so now I am your legal guardian. We'll get through this together. We'll help each other out, won't we, Seiya?" "Of course."
Chapter 2:
As the years progressed, Seiya and Mamoru competed for everything, whether it be academics or sports. Both had many trophies to account for their accomplishments. Hiroshi Kou (AN: this is seiya's father's name, it means generous) was proud of his sons. After the death of Mamoru's parents, Hana (AN: means blossom or flower) and Kiyoshi (AN: means quiet), and of his wife, Midori (AN: means green), everything he did was for his sons. He loved them both equally, and did not miss their animosity and competitiveness towards each other. He thought and hoped that it was just a phase, but in reality he knew that it wasn't. Seiya seemed to be driven to excel to upstage Mamoru. Everything Seiya did was to show Mamoru how much he was better. Yes, Mamoru was driven to show how much he was better than Seiya, but there was something else. It was as if he bettered himself to make himself worthy of someone. 'Impossible,' Hiroshi thought, 'Mamoru knows that I'd be proud of him no matter what. Perhaps . . . perhaps he is trying to impress a girl? . . . ' Hiroshi quickly put that thought out of his head. The one thing that Seiya and Mamoru don't compete over are girls. Its not that they were ugly or anything. Both Seiya and Mamoru had dark hair and dark eyes. They were well-built and tall. They were the envy of all the other men in Tokyo and every girl vied for their attention and interest. The only reason they didn't compete over girls was because Mamoru never seemed interested in any of them. Every time Hiroshi asked Mamoru about having a girlfriend, Mamoru just said that he wasn't interested. 'Mamoru is a young man, he has to be interested in someone . . . ' Hiroshi was broken out of his thoughts by a deep voice, "Youfu (AN: means adoptive father)?" "Huh? What? Oh, Mamoru, its you. Did you need something?" "Just wanted to let you know that I'm going out with Motoki for awhile." "Alright. Don't get in trouble and don't stay out too late." "Don't worry, I won't. Ja!" "Ja ne!" Mamoru left the house and got into his black BMW sports car. He put the key in and turned on the engine. He glanced at the clock, it read 3:31. 'Motoki's going to kill me! I'm already 15 minutes late! (AN: mamo-chan, you bad, bad boy! LOL! :) ok, maybe not)' Mamoru sighed and drove along the long circular driveway to the gate. He looked both ways before making a left-hand turn, speeding away from the house.
Crown Cafe:
A man with short blonde hair and blue eyes stared out the window with an impatient look on his face. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a white shirt. 'I'm going to kill HIM! He knows I have to get back to work and he's still not here yet!' he thought angrily. The man glanced at his watch, which read 3:47. Mamoru saw his friend from outside the cafe, and swore he saw clouds of steam coming from his head. 'He looks angry!' Mamoru thought as he hesitantly entered the cafe. "Hey, Motoki-kun!" Motoki looked up and crossed his arms across his chest and glared at him. 'If looks could kill,' thought Mamoru as he shuddered involuntarily at Motoki's death glare. "Look, I'm sorry I'm late. Soccer practice took longer than usual, and the coach wanted to talk to me afterwards. Then I had to get home and take a shower." Silence. Glare. "C'mon! I said I was sorry. Its not like I'm always late," Mamoru said as he took his seat on the bench. Motoki sighed. "Forgiven?" "Forgiven." "Thanks." "Whatever." "Hey Mamoru-san, onii-chan (AN: means older brother)! Can I get you guys anything?" "Uh, I'd li-" "You can tell your boyfriend that he better not do anything to hurt you, Lizzy (AN: don't know her japanese name, but i know that its kinda long, so i'm going to use this one)! I'm watching him!" "Onii-chan!" she whined. "I don't like him!" "Name one thing that you don't like about him?" "Well, that's easy! He's, uh . . . and he's, um . . . he's just bad news!" "No he isn't! You don't know anything about him! You're just being overprotective. You're even worse with Bunny!" she said as she stormed away. 'Bunny . . . ' Flashback . . . "Who are you?" "My family call me Bunny. I don't want you be sad no more." End flashback. 'No! It couldn't be! . . . could it? . . . ' "Uh, Mamoru? Mamoru-kun? You in there?" "Huh?" "What happened?" "Guess I just spaced out for a sec." "What were you thinking about?" "Nothing." "It is something! You never space out! You're Mister calm and controlled and you never space out!" "It's just that . . . " "What?!" "I was just thinking about something." Motoki was silent for a moment, before an idea popped into his head.

'What if that something turned out to be a someone? I always knew that Mamoru liked someone. I wonder who she is?' Motoki knew just what to do. He would not pass up this opportunity to find out just who has captured Mr. Calm-and- collected-and-cold Mamoru Chiba. "Were you thinking about something, or someone?" "Huh? What?! Why do you think I'd be thinking about someone?" Mamoru said while his face turned red. 'Oh no! He knows! Please don't ask! Please don't ask! Please . . . ' "Were you thinking about a girl, perhaps?" "What?!! Are you insane! You know that I don't like any of those stuck up girls from our school." "You're right, I do know that. But what about a girl from another school?" 'Oh s***!' Mamoru knew he was cornered. He couldn't think of a way out of it. "Hey, um, um, I'm hungry. Yeah, that's it! I'm hungry. Why don't we call your sister over and order something?" Motoki gave him a look. 'He's not getting out of this that easily! Well, I wasn't going to do this, but he asked for it.' "Mamoru, I thought I was your friend, your BEST friend." "Of course you are Motoki! It-" "I told you about my crush and how I got her to go out with me." "Motoki." "I'm waiting." "Alright, but promise not to laugh at me." "Fine, fine, so spill!" "I told you how my real parents died in a car accid-" "What does this have to do with the gir-" "Do you want me to tell you or not?" Nod. "Alright, anyway, at the hospital, I swore that I would never let HIM see me cry. So I ran through the hospital looking for a place to cry. I found an empty room and began crying. I felt so lost and alone. I didn't think I would make it through the whole ordeal. Well, while I was crying, this girl shows up and tells me not to cry. She says that she doesn't want me to be sad . . . " Mamoru smiled as he thought of how cute she sounded when she told him that. " . . . she told me she would be my family and that everything would be alright. She gave me a rose and a peck on the cheek and walked out of my life." "Wow! I never knew." "I hope to find her one day." "You love her, don't you?" "I don't know why, but I do. I mean I hardly know her, but I do. Sounds confusing, doesn't it?" "Yeah. But, what made you think of her now?" "Bunny." "Bunny?" "Yes, when your sister said Bunny I remembered that day in the hospital." "What does Bunny have to do with the girl?" "She told me that her family calls her Bunny. I call her my angel, my Usako." Motoki stared at Mamoru in utter shock. He couldn't believe that Mamoru actually loved someone he didn't even know. Mamoru was always so rational. Motoki couldn't believe that this side of Mamoru existed. 'Bunny. The only person who I call- . . . no, it couldn't be the same . . . '
Flashback . . .
"Motoki onii-chan?" "What is it Usa?" "I met this boy today, and-" "You what!?! Bunny, you're too you-" "Onii-chan! Stop being so protective, I'm only five!" "Sorry, continue." "Oh, right. Well, this boy he was crying and I told him not to. And I told him that I'd be there for him." "So." "Now I feel bad." "Why?" "Because, I told him my name and don't know his and don't know how to find him." "Don't worry. You'll find him." "Really?" "Of course." "Will you help me?" "Could I ever say no to you?" "Thank you so much onii-chan! I love you so much!" End flashback . . . "Uh, Mamoru." "Yeah?" "This girl, what did she look like?" "Well she had these beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair. Her hair was put up in this weird hairstyle. It looked like two odangos on her head. And she had this soft and angelic voi-" "Mamoru!" "Sorry," he said sheepishly and blushed slightly. "What day did your parents die?" "April 3rd. Why?" 'April 3rd, that's Shingo's birthday!' "Oh my god!" "What!??" "I think I know who your angel is."
Chapter 3:
"I think I know who your angel is." Mamoru was dumbstruck . . . unable to speak. He had searched for her for years and had almost given up hope of ever finding her. ALMOST. Every time he felt sad and alone, he always thought of her brilliant smile, angelic face, golden hair, and her enchanting baby blue eyes. And now, years later, here he was, sitting in a cafe with his best friend. A seemingly ordinary occurrence, right? NO! To Mamoru, this was the best day, correction, second best day of his life (AN: his best day was when he met usagi for the first time). He had finally found his angel . . . the one person who was able to give him hope . . . a reason to live . . . She pulled him out of the darkness and into the light, not just any light, but her light. 'Oh my God!! Motoki knows HER! I can finally meet her and become a part of he- WAIT!! What would I say to her!?' Mamoru didn't know. He had never been good with girls. He was also scared that she wouldn't remember him . . . What was he supposed to say, "Hey, do you remember that day in the hospital? Well, you saved my life and everything I've ever done since has been for you. Oh, and I love you, will you go out with me?" 'NO! She will remember! She has too much of a heart not to . . . there you go again Mamoru, defending a person you don't even know . . . but she's not just any person, she's my-' "Mamoru, you ok?" "Yeah." "Sorry about being so blunt." "Its ok." "Its just that your story, your description of her, and the name she told you to call her, made me think about someone." "Who?" "My imouto, my little sister." "Lizzy??" "No, my other one!" "But, you only have one sister." "Yeah, Lizzy is my biological sister, but Bunny, Usagi is my other one." "Bunny?" "Yeah. From your story I remembered a story she told me about this boy in the hospital . . . "
Flashback . . .
"Please cheer up. I hate it when people cry, especially today." "What's so special about today?" "Today I'm a big sister . . . " End flashback . . . " . . . and well the day your parents died is the same day as her little brother's birthday." "You think she's the one? She's my angel?" "Its too much of a coincidence." "I guess." "There's only one way to find out!" "Huh? How?" "C'mon!" Motoki got up and was out the door in a flash. "Wait up!!" Mamoru ran after his friend.
Mamoru finally caught up with his friend. Motoki led him to the Crown Arcade. "Motoki, isn't this where you work?" Mamoru asked as they entered the arcade. "Yep." "So what does this have to do with my an-" "One, she's like my little sis, and even though you're my best friend, I won't hesitate to pound you if you do anything I don't approve of. Guess I am a bit overprotective, no? Anyway, two she's going to be here soon." Mamoru sat on one of the stools at the counter as Motoki took his place on the other side. Motoki got a towel from under the counter and began cleaning the counter-top. "What makes you think she'll be here." "She's always here at 4:13, everyday after-school." "Oh." Mamoru nervously glanced at his watch. I read 4:11. Two minutes left. Mamoru began thining about her . . . what she looked like . . . what her personality was like . . . if she had a boy- 'Oh no! What if she has someone!??!' Mamoru looked up at Motoki who had a huge grin on his face. "She doesn't have a boyfriend. Guys are scared to ask her out. Makoto, one of her friends, and I keep them away. We're pretty protective of her, but you have my approval. You're a great guy and I know that you'll treat her right. If not, then you'll have to deal with me and Makoto." Mamoru gulped. He didn't know what to say, but was relieved that she was available. "I suggest that the two of you start out as friends and see where it goes from there." "Thanks for the advice." "Well, speak of the devil, or in your case, angel." Mamoru slowly looked up and saw a young woman with blonde hair, put up in odangos, and blue eyes through the window. She wore a school uniform which did nothing for her figure, except that the short skirt showed off her long, shapely legs. She was talking to one of her friends. Her friend had chestnut hair and eyes and was tall. 'That must me Makoto,' Mamoru thought as he gulped. 'She looks scary! Remind me not to get her mad!' "Told ya she'd be here at 4:13." "What's her na-" "Usagi Tsukino." "Rabbit of the moon." "Yep. That's one reason why we call her Bunny. The other is her hair and the fact that she loves bunnies. She's got so many stuffed bunnies in her room." 'Bunny . . . Usako . . . Oh no! She's coming in here! . . . of course she is you baka! Motoki told you she would! . . . what do I say?!?' "Uh, Motoki, I don't think I'm ready to talk to her just yet!" Mamoru said as he saw her coming closer and closer to the door. Before Motoki had a chance to answer, Mamoru jumped over the counter in an effort to hide from her. The doors of the arcade opened and in walked in Usagi and her friend, Makoto.

"Hey Onii-chan!" "Huh?! Oh, hey Usa! What's up?" "Nothing. You alright?" "Yeah, why?" "You seem sorta out of it." "Oh, its nothing. Just that my best friend is doing something really stupid!" Motoki said as he kicked Mamoru with his foot. "Owwww!" "What was that?!?" "What was what?" "Nothing, nevermind. I'll never understand you." Makoto: "I don't think that men are to be understood." Usagi giggled. Motoki: "Well, men can say the same thing about women." Before Mako had a chance to respond, Usagi cut in, "Um, guys, stop fighting. We can't stay long anyway. We have a study session at Rei's to go to. I just wanted to stop by and say hi to you. Lets go Mako-chan. Ja ne onii-chan!" "Ja ne imouto-chan, Makoto!" With that the two friends left as quickly as they came. Mamoru waited until he was sure she was gone before getting up. He watched her retreating figure and remebered the day he met her. Mamoru was broken out of his thoughts by a feeling of pain coming from the back side of his head. "OWWWW! Hey, what was that for!?!!" Motoki just hit him again and glared. "Owww! That hurts!" "Its supposed to!" "Why? What did I do?" "You should know!! You told me that you've been looking for her and that you might love her, and what do you do when I give you the perfect opportunity to meet her? Hmm? You hide under the counter!" "I know. I know. I just couldn't face her yet. Besides, I'm not good with girls." "She's not just any girl. She doesn't care about all that material stuff. She'll like you for who you are." "I guess I know that, I just got a little nervous." "I hate to tell you this, but if you don't make your move soon, someone else will. She won't wait around forever. I may be like a brother to her, but I'm not an idiot. She's beautiful, both inside and out." "I know."
Mamoru left the arcade awhile later. The sun was just setting. On his drive home, he heard a song on the radio that somewhat described how he felt about Usagi, his Usako . . . Here I am Broken wings Quiet thoughts Unspoken dreams Here I am Alone again And I need her now To hold my hand Mamoru turned into the driveway and shut the engine. He got out of his car and went inside his home. She's all, she's all I ever had She's the air I breathe She's all, she's all I ever had Mamoru climbed up the marble staircase and turned right, to his room. Is the way she makes me feel Is the only think that's real It's the way she understands She's my lover, she's my friend And when I look into her eyes It's the way I feel inside Like the man I want to be She's all I ever need He shut the door behind him and turned on the radio before lying down on the bed. He stared at the ceiling. Mamoru hadn't bothered to turn on the lights, making the room pitch black. Mamoru liked the darkness. It always matched his pain, whether it be because of the death of his parents or what he went through with Seiya. So much time So much pain (But) There's only one thing That still remains (it's the) The way she cared The love we shared And through it all She's always been there Mamoru always welcomed the darkness. But even in the darkness, there was a light. His was Usagi, his Usako. She's all, she's all I ever had In a world so cold, so empty She's all, she's all I ever had "Mamoru, you in there?" "Yes." "I saw your car outside but didn't see you. I thought that you'd be here, but I didn't see the lights." "Sorry, Youfu." "Its alright. Long day, huh?" "Yeah, you could say that." "Wanna talk about it?" "No, not really." "Alright, but remember I'm always here whenever you want to talk." "I know, and I'm very grateful for all you've done for me." "Its nothing, Mamoru. I love you like my own." "I know." "Well, dinner's ready, but Seiya isn't home yet. He hasn't called or anything. Do you know where he might be?" "No. Why don't you ask one of his girlfriends?" "Har, har, Mamoru." "Seiya, glad you're home son!" "Sorry I'm late dad." "Its ok. Both of you come down for dinner." Seiya left first. Hiroshi was about to leave but noticed that Mamoru hadn't moved yet.

"You coming, Mamoru?" Sigh. "Yes, coming." Hiroshi left as Mamoru got up from the bed. He walked over to the stereo and shut the radio off before leaving his room. She's all, she's all I ever had I'd like to go and see her She's all, she's all I ever had