Eternal Hearts (Sequel to Desert Rose)

Laugh and cry, live and die Life is a dream we are dreaming
Mamoru wakes up in a cold sweat. Ever since he met his meatball-headed-arcade-angel his dreams have come about more and more frequently. He didn't understand what some girl had to do with this. Perhaps it was just a coincidence. 'No!' one side of his brain screamed, 'its not a coincidence and she's not just some girl! You want her to be your gir-" 'SHUT UP! One, I'm too old for her. Two , I have MY Princess!' ‘But, Mamoru, this Princess you speak of only lives in your dreams. Usagi is real. She is really the one you want.' ‘But I can't just betray my Princess! I love her!' ‘But, does she love you back?' ‘What makes you think that Usako loves me?' ‘Usako?' ‘ . . . ' ‘You see, you're more in love with her than you think! You even have a pet name for her . . . my little bunny . . . stop denying it and do something about it!' ‘She hates me!' ‘And who is to blame for that?' Mamoru sighed dejectedly before responding, "Me . . . "
Day by day, I find my way Look for the soul and the meaning The Next Morning . . .
After a long night of tossing and turning and of fighting with himself, Mamoru emerged from his apartment. He began walking somewhat blindly through the familiar streets of Tokyo. Between saving Sailor Moon from youmas, these dreams, and figuring out his feelings for a certain blonde, he was tired . . . exhausted even. He didn't know how he would get through the day. He hoped that there would be no more youma attacks today since last night was the hardest he and the senshi have fought yet . . .
Flashback . . .
Mamoru was reading his physics textbook when he felt an all-too familiar pain come over his body, ‘Sailor Moon needs me!' He quickly produced a rose and transformed into his alter ego, Tuxedo Mask. After the transformation was completed, he ran to the balcony and jumped onto a rooftop, allowing his senses to lead him to Sailor Moon . . . Once at the battle, Tuxedo Mask hid behind some trees and watched from the shadows, since as Tuxedo Mask, he always relied on the element of surprise. He scanned the area and saw that Mercury was analyzing the youma with her visor and data computer, while Jupiter and the new member of the group, Venus, combined attacks against it. Their attacks didn't seem to be doing anything and the senshi were tiring. Mars and Moon were no where to be found. He searched for them, well actually HER, his third crush. A slight movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. He saw one figure hoovering over another. He moved a little closer and realized that the figures were none other than Sailor Mars and Sailor Moon. "Sailor Moon, you're such a klutz! You knew that you couldn't handle the youma by yourself! You should've just waited for us!" lectured Mars in an accusing tone. But, if you listened carefully, you would've heard the worry she was trying to hide. Sailor Moon had her head bowed as she listened to Mars. She looked as if she was paying no heed to Mars' words but he saw her wince at each accusation Mars spat out. He also didn't miss the tears that had welled up in her eyes. ‘Can't Mars see that she's on the verge of tears!' Tux thought as he felt his heart twist from the pain he knew Moon was feeling. Tux was about to interfere but he heard Moon's soft voice, "I know. I was wrong to think I could do this. I'm sorry I'm such a horrible leader and friend. I didn't wait because there was a couple sitting on the bench. Had I waited, they would've been harmed. Maybe I should've waited, then you could blame me for not doing anything to protect innocent bystanders," she spat before wiping her tears off her face and struggling to get up. She looked as if she was hurt. She limped into battle as Mars stared after her with guilt. Mars was about to join the battle herself, but not before Tuxedo Mask had a few words with her. He grabbed her wrist and she gasped in surprise. "Tu . . . Tuxedo Mask? You scared me," she whispered. Tux's eyes narrowed before he spoke in a cold voice, "That wasn't necessary. She tries her hardest and you pushing her as much as you do isn't helping her much. She already has a low self-esteem. You just make it lower. She doesn't ne-" Mars had enough of his lecture, ‘Who does he think he is!?? He doesn't know the first thing about me, Usa, or our relationship! How dare he!!' she fumed. Mars got out of his hold and glared at him, "How dare you! You don't know us! You have no right! All you do is show up for a few minutes, if we're lucky, throw a rose, give a corny speech, and take one of the rainbow crystals if there is one! Don't you dare lecture me about how I treat Usa- Sailor Moon! You're just as much an enemy as the Nega-verse is! I don't know why Sailor Moon defends you! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a battle to join," she said as she turned and left him. Tux was dumbstruck. Here he was trying to tell her not to be so mean to Sailor Moon, and she had managed to turn it around and lecture him. How could she think that he was the enemy, especially after all he's done for the senshi and Sailor Moon. So, he worked alone and is evasive to their questions. He, himself didn't have the answers to their questions, since they were the same ones he asked himself everyday. He was about to turn around and leave them to fight on their own, but he made one fatal mistake . . . He turned around and took one last glance at the battle. His eyes fell upon Sailor Moon and all his anger vanished. She looked tired, dejected, and she was limping, favoring her right leg. There was no way he could leave her like that. He saw a blast emerge from the youma heading straight for Sailor Moon. She frantically tried to get away, but with her leg hurt, she couldn't move as fast. In a flash, Tux ran to her and picked her up. He held her and jumped stealthily like a cat to a nearby tree.
Then you look at me And I always see
He kept holding her tightly even after they had landed. She didn't mind since she held onto him tightly as well. She was shaking uncontrollably and a few tears escaped her eyes. He wrapped his cape around her and she lifted her eyes to meet his. Blue met blue in an intense gaze. Time seemed to stand still for them. Nothing else seemed to matter.
What I've been searching for I'm lost as can be Then you look at me And I'm not lost anymore
‘Her eyes are so beautiful. I could drown myself in them forever,' he thought, ‘Her lips look so warm and inviting. If I move just a bit closer, I could kiss her . . . WAIT! What am I thinking?!' "Umm . . . Sailor Moon, you have to finish of the youma," he said turning away from her and letting his arms drop to his sides, letting her out of his embrace. Both felt the loss of warmth as well as something else. But, neither said anything. Sailor Moon nodded and limped her way back into battle, "Prepare to be moon-dusted nega-sleeze! Moon tiara . . . MAGIC!" Sailor Moon threw her tiara at the youma. It hit the youma in its chest and caused it to cry out in pain before disintegrating into nothingness. Sailor Moon turned around and looked for Tuxedo Mask. He was no where to be found. A single red rose embedded in the grass was the only indication that he had even been there. Sailor Moon took the rose and clutched it in her hand, "Run Tuxedo Mask . . . You can't run forever," she whispered as a lone tear escaped from her eye. Jupiter came to her and helped her walk away from the battlefield. What neither realized was that Tuxedo Mask was still there, lurking in the shadows. He had heard Sailor Moon's words and felt each one stab him in the heart. He knew she was right, more right than she would ever know. He waited until all the senshi had disappeared into the night before leaving himself.
People run, sun to sun, Caught in their lives ever flowing Once begun, life goes till its gone We have to go where its going
End flashback . . .

‘If only I had gotten there sooner, then maybe SHE wouldn't have gotten hurt,' he thought as he turned a familiar corner and hit something . He knew he didn't hit something, rather someone . . . Usagi. He got up and was about to make one of his usual comments, but he looked at her and saw her struggling to get up. He noticed that her right leg was bandaged. His heart twisted as he watched her. Each of her movements seemed to be filled with pain and discomfort. Mamoru couldn't deal with it anymore. For once he let his heart and instincts guide his actions and ended up doing something so out of character. He picked her up and took her to a nearby alley. A feeling of deja vu washed over both of them. He felt as if he had done this so many times before. He heard her gasp in surprise as he gently let her body slide down the wall of the alley. He still held her close to him. He closed his eyes and allowed his senses to revel in the feeling of her warm, soft, sensuous body next to his. He also couldn't get enough of the smell of her hair and skin. He brought his right hand to her face and began tracing its contours. He opened his eyes and looked into hers. Her sapphire blue eyes were wide with confusion and fear. He had never done anything like this before. She was a little shocked and didn't know what to make of Mamoru's actions. Not that she minded, since she has a crush on him. Still, she felt uncomfortable with the situation, even though it somewhat familiar . . .
Flashback . . . Silver Millennium . . .
Princess Serenity was walking slowly back to the Palace with roses in her basket. She had hurt her ankle the day before in training (AN: she insisted so her mother agreed) and she felt horrible since her crush and mortal enemy, Prince Endymion of earth saw her, ‘He probably thinks the worst of me now,' she thought dejectedly, ‘I completely embarrassed myself in front of him and his Generals. He has even more reason to tease me . . . he probably thin- WAIT! Why do I care what HE thinks!?!!' ‘Because you love him.' ‘No I don't!' ‘Yes, you do.' ‘No! I can't but . . . but I do, don't I? He's not just a crush, is he?' Since she was so deep in thought, she didn't realize where she was going. She bumped into someone and fell to the ground. The roses flew up in the air, causing some loose petals to fall around her and her hair. Prince Endymion got up and looked at who he bumped into. It was Serenity and she looked like she was in a lot of pain and discomfort. His heart felt her pain and wanted to help her. He picked her up and carried her to the wall. He let her body slide down as he held her close. He smiled at her confusion and at the sight she made with the petals in her hair. She was about to say something but he silenced her with his finger. Her eyes widened at the gesture. He smiled again. His finger began gently tracing her face and lips while his other hand contented itself with running itself through her sun-silky hair, taking out a few petals. She melted under his touch and didn't know what his actions meant. He was the first man to ever touch her like that, he was the first man that she wanted to touch her. But, she didn't know how he felt about her. For all she knew, this could be a joke, so she tried to get out of his hold. Endymion, on the other hand finally realized that he loved her and wasn't going to let her go that easily. She would be his, he would do anything to make that possible. Endymion moved closer to her. She retaliated by trying to push him away with her hands. With his left hand, he harshly grabbed her right and held it above her head against the wall. With his right hand, he harshly grabbed her left hand and held it by her waist against the wall. "Serenity . . . " he whispered in her ear. She felt shivers run up an down her spine from the closeness of his body and from the feeling of his warm breath on her body. "Endy, please," she somehow managed to whisper, "if this is a joke . . . " "Endy?" She looked at him with pleading eyes, hoping that this wasn't a joke. He looked back at her and with his midnight blue eyes, he reassured her that it was not a joke. Time stood still. They stayed glued to each other for a long moment before Endymion closed the gap and kissed her tenderly on her lips. She was surprised at first, but began kissing him back. His kiss was gentler than his hold on her hands . . . the kiss deepened . . .
Then you look at me And I always see What I have been searching for
End flashback . . .

Usagi tried to get out of Mamoru's hold, but he stopped her by grabbing her hands harshly and holding them against the wall. He moved closer to her and whispered something in her ear, "Usako . . . " She shivered in response and looked up at him, "Mamo-chan, please . . . if this is a joke, please stop . . . " she whispered. "Mamo-chan?" I'm lost as can be Then you look at me And I am not lost anymore He inched closer to her, closing the small gap between them. He kissed her gently but passionately, then hungrily, until she kissed back. Mamoru felt a smile tug at his lips as another feeling of deja vu passed over them. Suddenly a light began shining from Usagi, and Mamoru pulled away, ending the kiss. A crescent moon shined on Usagi's forehead as a transformation began taking place. First she transformed into Sailor Moon. She stayed like that until Mamoru transformed into Tuxedo Mask. She then transformed into Princess Serenity, willing her Prince to join her. And he did. Mamoru watched as he transformed from his alter ego to a noble prince. Serenity smiled before whispering, "Endy . . . " and fainting from the overuse of energy. As she fainted, she transformed back into Usagi, and Endymion into Mamoru. He caught her in his arms. He couldn't believe any of this. His Usako was not only Sailor Moon, but his dream Princess too. "Prince Endymion," a voice called. Mamoru looked around the deserted alley for the source, but found none. "You can't see me. My daughter has used up too much of her energy for me to project myself." Mamoru stared at the locket in Usagi's uniform and realized that the voice came from the object, "Queen Serenity?" "Yes. I'm glad you remember." "I'm remembering bits and pieces." "You'll remember everything in time. For now, what you have is enough. Do you still love her?" "Yes, of course." "Then tell her. Use your memories wisely. I trust you will care for her." "Yes, with my life." "I know. She's all I had left. She alone carries our hopes. If anything happens to-" "Nothing will." "I have a gift for the both of you. Actually its Serenity's, or shall I call her Usagi?" "Whatever you please." She laughed slightly, "You always make me laugh. Anyway, touch the locket and all will be revealed. Before you do, tell her that I love her." "Of course." Mamoru touched the locket and a white light emanated from it. After it died down, it revealed, "Queen Serenity, is it, is it?" "Yes, Endymion, it is." "The Imperium Silver Crystal . . . its beautiful." "It is, isn't it?" Mamoru stared at it with awe for a few more moments before it went back into Usagi's locket. She stirred a little and Mamoru called to her, "Usako . . . Usako, wake up love." "You know, you had that pet name for her even then. Farewell." Mamoru blushed and Usagi's eyes began to flutter slowly open. "Mamo-chan? What happened?" "You're my princess," he stated simply. She blushed slightly and began remembering the events that had just transpired. "My mother? . . . the crystal? . . . " "Don't worry about it now," he replied before kissing her again.
And you say you see When you look at me The reason you love life so Though lost I have been
He broke the kiss, "I love you, Usako." "I love you too, Mamo-chan."
I find love again And life just keeps on running And life just keeps on running
"Your mother sends her regards." Usagi smiled and touched her locket, "Thank you, mother, for everything. I love you, I miss you," a tear escaped her eye and Mamoru brushed it away. You look at me and life comes from you "No more dwelling on the past. Only the future." "Only the future." They kissed, sealing their promise to each other." From you . . .
*sigh* the end.