Desert Rose

I dream of rain

I dream of gardens in the desert sand

I wake in pain

I dream of love as time runs through my hand

Mamoru once again woke up in a cold sweat, as he did every night. He dreamed it again . . . he dreamed of *her*. He could not understand why she constantly invading his dreams. 'Once I find the silver crystal, I'll find out who she is and what she means to me.' He went to sleep, only to dream of her again.

I dream of fire

These dreams are tied to a horse that will never tire

And in the flames

Her shadows play in the shape of a man's desire

Mamoru's Dream:

The atmosphere is foggy. Mamoru is dressed like his alter ego, Tuxedo Mask. He is staring at the balcony, as a figure comes into view. He can't see her face, but hears her angelic voice tell him, "Please, my love. Find the emperium silver crystal and set me free." Then she disappears into the dense, thick fog.

This desert rose

Each of her veils, a secret promise

This desert flower

No sweet perfume ever tortured me more than this

"Wait! Don't leave! Who are you?! How do I get this, this crystal?! Please, tell ME!!"

And as she turns

This way she moves in the logic of all my dreams

This fire burns

I realize that nothing's as it seems

She turns around and faces him. He sees her blue eyes and golden hair. A bright light suddenly appears and momentarily blinds him. He looks around, only to see that she is gone. Frustrated, he falls down to his knees, noticing that he is no longer dressed in his alter ego's garb, rather, he is dressed in a blue uniform with a steele plate protecting his chest. He also takes note of the fact that he has a sword holstered at his side (AN: think prince endymion).

I dream of rain

I dream of gardens in the desert sand

I wake in pain

I dream of love as time runs through my hand

He feels her presence once more. He doesn't see her, but knows that she is there. "Who are you?" "I am your princess . . . your desert rose." "Please, can I see you? I can't deal with this anymore. Please." "As you wish, my prince." She came out of the mists, slowly walking towards him. He stood up and saw parts of her figure. She wore a long, off-white dress with gold embrodiered (AN: did i spell that right) on it. Her face was now becoming visible to him, when

"Good morning, Tokyo! Today is Wed-" "Damn alarm clock! I was so close this time . . . closer than I ever was before!" He got up and began getting ready for his morning jog. He left his apartment and decided to jog through the park. He entered the park and ended up at the rose garden, his favorite place. He decided to rest there for awhile. He closed his eyes and thought of her again.

I dream of rain

I lift my gaze to the empty skies above

I close my eyes, this rare perfume

Is the sweet intoxication of her love

I dream of rain

I dream of gardens in the desert sand

I wake in pain

I dream of love as time runs through my hand

Mamoru got up from his spot and began jogging again. He ended up by the bridge and stared into the river below him. The color of the water reminded him of her eyes.

Sweet desert rose

Each of her veils, a secret promise

This desert flower,

No sweet perfume ever tortured me mor than this

He made his way back to his apartment and got dressed for school. Twenty minutes later, Mamoru walked down the busy streets of Tokyo, books in hand. He turned a corner only to collide into something, rather, someone. "Gomen, sir. I'm so very sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going. Gomen. Gomen." He looked down at her. She had long blonde hair, which was put up in a unique hairstyle. His breathe caught when he saw her blue eyes. Those eyes seemed so familiar to him. He was broken out of his thoughts by the sound of her voice, "Are you alright, sir? Do you need a doctor or something?" "Don't worry about it. Next time why don't you watch where you're going, Meatball head!" "WHAT?! Here I am apologizing and you're making fun of me! OH! THE NERVE!" She got up and began running down the street again, yelling something about being late. He smiled. 'There's something about that girl . . . she seems so familiar . . . as if, as if I've met her before . . . '

Sweet desert rose

This memory of Eden haunts us all

This desert flower, this rare perfume

Is the sweet intoxication of the fall

all done. this is my second song-fic. hope you guys liked it. the song is done by sting and its on his cd, brand new day. i really liked it and decided to write a story to it. the story has to do with mamoru's dream of the moon princess and his first encounter with usagi. anyway, i hope you liked it, send feedback, please! ja ne!
