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Capitulito I
It all started with what was supposed to be a one-night stand.

It’s funny how things turn out.

I honestly don’t have many one-night stands. I’ve had a couple drunken ones, where you wake up one morning without a clue where you are or how you got there. That’s scary.

Then there are the ones where you’re just plain horny, and you see a good looking guy in a club and BAM!

I’d love to say that that was what happened with Nick, that it was this overwhelming physical (and maybe mental) attraction between us that led us to that hotel room.

But it wasn’t.

And it would be really sweet if I had no idea who he was, if I had no motives.

But I did.

I saw him checking me out, knowing full well who he was, and I played on it. I batted my eye lashes, licked my lips, and shook my ass just so. The whole nine yards.

It all comes down to the fact that my ex-boyfriend was there.

I had to do something.

And Nick-fricken-Carter was checking me out.

That’s what happened.

I remember lying awake several hours later, leaning against Nick as he slept. And I remember thinking that here I was, sleeping next to this boy/man/singer/god and he had no clue who I was. He didn’t even know my name.

And there was a comfort in that. I could be anyone. Hell, I could even be Marilyn Monroe. I just didn’t have to be Amber. And at that point it was heaven.

I stayed up all night just thinking. Nick slept like a rock. He just slept and slept and slept. And I just watched and watched and watched.

At about seven the next morning the phone rang. I don’t know who called or what they said, because by the time Nick hung up I was asleep.

I guess I slept all day. When I woke up the sun was already starting to set.

I was almost sad. The man was gorgeous, but it was over. I got my night. I was lucky, even.

But once you have one taste you can never be satisfied, can you?

I sat up and Nick was sitting in a chair across from the bed, just sitting there. And smiling. Smiling that Nick Carter smile.

And then he stood up and walked over to the bed and touched my cheek. “Sleeping Beauty,” He whispered.

How fuckin’ smooth is that?

All I could manage was a smile. I sat up, pulling the blanket with me, and looked around the messy hotel room. I remember having this strong urge to clean it.

But that’s only because I’m obsessive about stuff like that.

Then Nick looked me in the eye and said, “Do you want to stay again tonight?”

Chapter Two--->