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Chapter Six

“I love you, you believe me right?”

“Of course I do.”

Believe him? I lived for him. I needed that blonde hair, those blue eyes, those swollen lips.

“We should make plans.”


“For us.”

“Like future plans?”

“New York plans.”

New York. Escape. Just Nick and I.

“We are going to New York, right? You know why now. I can’t deal with him anymore.” Nick says.

“Are you going to tell them before you leave?”


“You have to. They do care about you, you can’t scare them like that.”

“We can take your car. They don’t know what it looks like.” He says, changing the subject.

“We’re not criminals.”

“But if they find us we’ll have to go home. I don’t want to go home.”

“And what are we going to do when we get there?”

“Who knows? That’s the beauty of it, Amber, we can do anything we want.” Nick’s eyes are sparkling. He needs this as much as I need him.

“You’re scaring me Nick, you’re not thinking.”

“It’s just a vacation, baby, everyone deserves a vacation.”

“You’re bringing your cell phone, right? So they’ll be able to reach you?”

“Why?” He asks again.

“Why do you want them to freak out? Maybe if they know where you are, that you’re okay, they won’t try to get to make you come home in a hurry.”

“You don’t know them.”

I just stare at him.

“No, I’m not bringing my cell phone,” He says.

“Why are you so afraid of them knowing where you are? Why are you afraid of being responsible?”

“So you’re taking a page out of Kevin’s book now? I thought you were the one who would understand.”

“I’m trying to understand, Nick, I’m really trying.”

He sighs. “Maybe I should just go alone.”

“Because that is so much easier than just explaining?”

“I’ve tried explaining..”

“Not hard enough. Nick, I thought this trip was about you and me. It’s obviously easy to make everything about you.”

“This is my trip.”

“Fine then.”

“Don’t be pissed.”

“What should I be, then?”

“I really do want you to come.”

“Like hell you do!”

“I do.”

“Then bring the phone.”

“I’m not bringing my cell phone.”

“Then I’ll bring mine.”

“They don’t know your number.”

“Well, maybe I’ll call them. They already adore me, don’t they? I’m sure they’d love me if I lured you away to New York and tricked you into leaving the band without its resident blonde.”

“Oh, so that’s why you’re so obsessed with them knowing. Who’s being selfish now?”

“You have to let them know some way. Either bring your cell phone or tell them beforehand.”

“So Amber’s precious reputation is saved?”

“No, so Brian doesn’t have a heart attack.”

That hit a sore spot.

“Because Brian is part of the group too. And so is AJ. And Howie. It’s not all big bad Kevin.” I slid my hand over his.

Nick’s eyes fell to the floor.

“I’m not doing this because of Kevin.”

“Why then?”

"Just because, okay? Because I feel like it." Nick turned and walked out of the room.

Capitulito VI--->